Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Lord is Near

The Lord lets us know He is near.

It turns out I don't handle failing too great. The number of times I've cried the last few weeks is obnoxious. My emotions are outta control, I had my college I don't know what I'm doing with my life crisis... I've fought with my mom, pushed my friends away - except maybe one who I've leaned on the whole time and can always count on to be a rock for me when I need it most..

Last night was another one of those sleepless nights, so I send a novel long text to my friend who tends to be my rock, and got a response early this afternoon - and it ended with being told that I'm amazing woman with amazing strength.... errr cue water works. I had to leave for babysitting so I calmed down and pulled myself together pretty quickly. Then I stopped for chai tea latte because those always make me feel better. Whenever I'm sick with sinus stuff I get one because the spice of it makes me feel a lot better. So I thought maybe it would make me feel better today. I went through the drive-thru and I always use my card on my phone, but the scanner thing wasn't working very well today. After a couple attempts the guy gave up and decided to just give me drink - saying it was on him today. As I drove off I thanked the Lord for this little gift. And I realized how much He has been blessing me, giving me little gifts to know He is near. Here are a few of the ways He has shown me he is near:

  • multiple sunny days in a row (that doesn't happen hear in winter) 
  • warm days (for Dec)
  • a really cozy heated blanket
  • speaking to me clearly in prayer 
  • a good dinner date with a friend
  • getting to spend 3 hrs with Steph (a dear friend serving in MN this year)
  • facetiming with Lauren (a dear friend serving in TX) 
  • Finishing my journal today, which means with the new year I start a new journal which makes my OCD happy 
  • good quality time with my dad
  • a gorgeous sunset 
  • the sunset. this picture doesn't do it justice.
  • a fantastic run - where my head was clear and I felt alive 
  • daily mass
  • compliments on my beauty from dear friends 
How has the Lord been blessing you this Christmas season? Do you know He is here, He is near, and He is revealing more and more of His love to you?! 

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