Monday, January 19, 2015

Worthy of Love - Part 1

Over the last oh I don't know year or so - I've been learning about love - what it means to love and be loved. This has just been what the Lord has been teaching me about. This past weekend I gave a talk on how we're made worthy of love to about 50 women on OSU's campus. Preparing for this talk was quite the journey, due to my recent life events, but it was so good. I want to share some of what I've learned recently about love - what it means to love, to be loved, to be worthy of love. It's going to be a series, I don't know how many posts I will have or how long it will take - but in a country whose greatest poverty is love I think it's an important topic to be addressed.

This current journey with love goes back probably to July when I served as a camp counselor for middle schoolers and my mission for the week (given by the directors of counselors) was to love my campers better - and take my frustrations to Mary. That week of camp was my first time ever working with middle schoolers, and it was great but challenging in ways I didn't expect. I remember being surprised when I opened my box that held my mission for the week. 'what do you mean I'm not loving well, that's a way that so many people honor me....' So thus started a journey with love.

As I began preparing for the talk I gave this weekend I started with just praying about love. I don't know where I have no idea where this quote came from - probably from a daily reflection - but it sparked quite the inspiration.

The more we come into contact with God's love for us, the more we will be able to love everyone else - even when we don't feel like it. 

After reading this quote, I knew there was something more the Lord wanted to teach me about love. So I started reflecting on what is love.

Love is the cross. Love is sacrifice. Love is laying your life down for the life of another. Love is desiring the other's good, their best interest.

Love comes as a listening ear. Love comes as a kind hug. Love comes as a gentle touch. Love comes as a smile. Love comes as kind words. Love comes as a beautiful sunset, sunrise, sky. Love comes as beauty. Love comes as strength.

Love comes through gratitude. Love comes through humility.Love comes through gentleness. Love comes through kindness. Love comes through prudence and discipline.

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of love. The Holy Trinity loves me perfectly, and you too. Because of their love I can be confident and courageous. I should be striving always to grow in the perfection of love - in the way I love and in the way I receive love.

When I was praying through some of this I remember I had been feeling overwhelmed by the number of people who wanted to pour love on me.. and I didn't want to accept it because I didn't feel worthy of receiving the love offered to me.

Stay tuned for what comes next!

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