Saturday, February 12, 2011

You are my Treasured Possession

And I rejoice over you with singing -Zeph. 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you. Jer. 32:40
For you are my treasured possession Exodus 19:5
And I love you with an everlasting love Jer. 31:3

The other day when I was praying I came across these verses and they really stood out to me. I was actually preparing for a testimony for a Confirmation retreat, about why Jesus needs to be number one in our lives.

I feel these verses really elaborate how great the love of Father is for each of us, his children. God's love is infinite, his mercy is great. With those who are close to Him, his memory is short and he forgives us for each failure.

He says, you are my treasured possession, we belong to him, we are treasured by him, we are special to him, and this is why we must make Him number 1 in our lives. He loves us with an everlasting love, and we are called to serve him in praise and thanksgiving, for the love he has bestowed on us. Making Jesus the center of our lives is all we are asked and he gives us so much in return when we simply make him number one.

When I wholly surrendered, and chose to follow Jesus, not so long ago, it was the best decision of my life. I had many questions, especially about Catholicism, but I knew it was truth, and I knew it was the only place I would find what I had been searching for all along. God is great in His mercy. He will forgive us for any sin, great or small. We often make our God too small, and don't put enough faith in Him.

Today, I encourage you to wholly surrender. Give your life over to Jesus and let him be in control. It will be a challenge, it will be hard, but it will be completely worth it in the end. You will be able to be joyful in a new way. If you've said yes to Jesus before, if you've surrendered before, I encourage you to surrender again. Give your life to God again. Let him reign in your heart and hand your life over to the one who created you!

God bless!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm a new follower. I love your blog :) This issue is so true. Christ loves us more than one can even imagine, and he treasures us so completely. It's so awe inspiring, isn't it?

    ~Liz B
