Monday, May 23, 2011

Modesty - Where Do We Go From Here?

We’ve gathered all this information – modesty is an issue in today’s society, starting with the differences between how men and women work, how he is not just a pervert, it is our problem…so, where do go from here? How do we fix this problem? What can we, as women do, to help our brothers grow in holiness, and 
us? Well, buckle up, because here we go!
I have a four-step plan for you. This plan will help us, as women, to be more modest, and in addition, help our brothers grow!
Step 1 – Pray for men
Sounds simple enough, right? Right! We are to pray for our brothers, especially youth. Pray that they will be strong and steadfast in their personal fight against impurity. Pray for them each time you see immodest women – on the street, in the mall, in school, in mass, on television, in advertisements (you will find you pray quite frequently, almost constantly!). Pray when you see an adult bookstore, magazine rack, and men’s only clubs. Pray that men will have the wisdom, strength, knowledge, and will-power to say NO to those items.
Step 2 – Pray for other girls.
Upon seeing another girl immodest, there is sadness in my heart. My youth minister says “When I see an immodest girl, I feel sadness for them because I know there is a hole in their heart and that they don’t know their worth.”
A woman dresses the way she feels. If she feels like trash, she dresses like trash. If she feels like an object, she dresses like an object. If she feels she’s not good enough, not attractive enough, not smart enough, not kind enough, worthless, she dresses to draw attention to other things, and when they are noticed, she feels better. If she feels like a daughter of God, she dresses like a daughter of God. If a woman knows her worth, her beauty, her love, her goodness, her uniqueness, her dignity lies in God, she will dress so that her body glorifies God. Therefore, pray for each girl you meet, whether she is dressed like a woman who knows her worth rests in God or not, because you never know how that girl is feeling or when she’ll need that little quick pray you send to heaven.
The worth of every woman is more than human mind can fathom; it is beyond this universe. My youth minister said, “Ever woman is worth so much. You are worth more than the entire created universe and you reveal more beauty than the entire created universe.”
Sisters, we are the crowning of creation. We are WOMEN! We are BEAUTIFUL! We are WORTHY! We are worthy to be loved. We are worthy to be cared about. We are worthy to be treasured. We are worthy and deserve to be treated like princesses because we are all princesses in the eyes of our creator. Therefore, I say to you, pray for your fellow sisters. Pray for their purity. Pray for their modesty. Pray they have the strength to fight the culture of death. Most importantly pray they have the wisdom and the knowledge to realize, to understand, to grasp they are worth more!
Step 3 – Fake it until you make it!
Maybe you still don’t understand why modesty is so important. Maybe you still haven’t grasped your worth. Maybe you still think this topic is stupid. That’s okay! However, until you realize it, until it hits home, you need to choose to dress modestly anyway. In dressing modestly, despite understanding, you learn the beauty of dressing modestly. You learn the comfort of dressing modestly. I would even go so far as to say you learn your worth, and your beauty in dressing modestly.
We don’t need someone to measure our neck line, our short length, or our skirt/dress length. You don’t want to shoot for just “making the line.” Think: how can I look truly beautiful – making Jesus look at me and say – this is my beautiful daughter!
Use accountability. Just like when you are struggling with gossip or judgmental remarks about others, you might ask close friends to tell you immediately if they catch you doing this. Thus, ask your friends to tell you if your dress is immodest.
Step 4 – VERITAS: To seek and defend the truth
Dear sisters, I encourage you to strive for modesty and purity, and try to be aware of your dress, speech, and action; to those who already do so, thank you and keep up the good work!
We have 2 tasks – change of heart and help others convert. Therefore, it is time to rise up! Be a herald of the good news in deed and in action. Dress modestly, to be an example to others. Lose yourself in Christ, so you may find your dignity in Christ. Hold your sisters accountable, and lovingly inform them of immodest dress, and help them change and find something better.
When it comes to sports, tell your coaches, the athletic director, present in front of the school board, if necessary, and tell them volleyball does not require spandex and it does nothing, absolutely nothing to aid the game. Runners – of track and Cross Country, short shorts are not necessary, bring this to the attention of those in charge. Make the change. Be the change. Start the change. If that doesn’t work, be counter-cultural, be an individual, and dress modestly, dress purely, talk purely, carry yourself with dignity, knowing you are a daughter of God who is worth more than this world!
Start a revolution at school. It only takes you! It takes one person to make a change. Eventually other girls will catch on, and there will be a chain reaction; before you know it, girls will be dressing modestly school wide, city wide, county wide, state wide, nationwide!
Lastly, defend your modesty. If a man, offends your modesty (makes fun of you), cut him off, be firm, and be truthful. Tell him, do NOT talk to me like that. I am WORTH MORE than what you are saying. If a girl offends your modesty, inform her otherwise, inform her of her dignity and her worth, most importantly – love her. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this series (I know, late on making a comment), and I totally agree. Lately, I'm much more in-tune with my clothes, and I feel uncomfortable in anything immodest, because I know it can cause men to sin, and look at me in a way I don't want to be thought of. I can definitely attest to the fact that modesty raises our own self-esteem as women.

    ~Liz B :)
