Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All We Need is...? Part 3

The other day my friend informed me she couldn't help but smirk at one of the emails I sent her because she went through the exact same struggles I was emailing her about. Today, I received an email from a friend and I couldn't help but smirk because she's going through the same struggles I have gone through and am going through.. It's great how God places people in our lives who can help us through things with their own experiences.

The advice my friend is always giving me when I email her upset with my struggle is to pray and to rely on Christ. We, as God's children canNOT rely on our own strength to bear our cross. We must rely on Christ. We must humbly admit that we are too weak to carry our cross and we NEED Christ. So often our pride gets in the way and we try to rely on our own strength. In doing that, we get worn down, we get tired, and we lose the desire to keep fighting. Once we wholly surrender and hand everything over to Christ we are re-energized. We receive the strength to bear the cross God has willed for us, and we can bear that cross with that joy!

We gather our strength from Christ through prayer. We must pray in order to get to know Him. We must have a relationship with him so that the Holy Spirit can guide us.  Simply put: all we need is Christ.

Tonight, I encourage you to give God a chance. Be open to what He has in store for you, be open to his will. When you open to Christ, he works His way in and your life changes radically. You lose who you once were, but the person you become is so much better than the person you were. There are new struggles, but you have somewhere to go, you have someone to run to, and you're never alone because Jesus is always with you. Give God a chance. Let Him in!

God bless!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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