Monday, January 31, 2011

We are Made for Happiness

In order for parts of this post to make sense, I recommend you read the following link:

We are made for happiness; we are made for heaven. We are made for unity with God, which gives us happiness, and is only found with heaven. Happiness without God is empty and meaningless; however, happiness with God is what we ought to strive for and seek throughout all our lives.

The happiness we are made for is obtained by unity with Christ. Unity with Christ is obtained in heaven, but during our lives on earth, we are working towards that complete unity with Christ.

Our lives on earth are meant to be lived joyfully because we are working towards complete unity with Christ and we are here serving Him and His kingdom. We are made for happiness...on earth as we are in heaven. On earth, we are called to unite our crosses and hardships to Christ, humbly relying on Him as our strength and living for the hope of heaven.

We must constantly be striving to grow in virtue, because virtue helps us become closer to Christ. In order to grow in any virtue, we must be united to the cross. This is why we must trust in the power of the cross. The cross is the source of our happiness, for it was Jesus' death on the cross that opened the gates of heaven. Therefore, we must hope for the happiness Christ promises us in heaven. We must humbly rely on Christ, recognizing that we cannot rely on our own strength. We must forgive, recognizing that we are imperfect and we need to ban together as fellow Christians and help each other because we are all working for the same goal: Heaven.

Conclusively, we are made for happiness!
We must trust in the power of the cross. We must recognize we are imperfect and seek forgiveness. We mustn't rely on our strength, but rely fully on Christ's. We must hope for heaven. We must make Christ the source of our joy. Lastly, we must fall deeply in love with Christ, because when we are in love with him our desire for complete unity with Him is inflamed which is when we have the happiness we are made for.

God bless!
Keep praying!
Trust in the power of the cross!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let Christ be thy Special Beloved

Let Jesus be thy special beloved.

The other day I watched The Little Mermaid. I am sure many of you know the story, but I am going to summarize it just in case. Arial is a mermaid and she saves Prince Eric, whose ship was wrecked in a storm. Upon getting him on dry land, she begins to sing and he wakes to the beauty of her voice. He cannot get the voice out of his head and searches ceaselessly for this woman because he is determined to marry her. Arial is so in love with Eric she has “head in the clouds” type of mood about her. Ursula, the evil sea witch sees this. Ursula convinces Arial to sell her soul under the circumstance that Arial also gives her voice to Ursula. Arial has 3 days to be kissed by Eric or her soul belongs to Ursula. Of course, Ursula interferes. The start of the 3rd day Ursula turns herself into a human and has Arial’s voice. Therefore, she is able to convince Eric she is the one who saved him and who he is determined to marry. Arial is able to interfere, gets her voice back and Eric realized Arial is the one, not the woman Ursula pretends to be. Ursula becomes infuriated. She does all she can to separate the two. However, their love is still stronger, and true love wins.

Let Jesus be thy special beloved. God calls us all to holiness. He desires an intimate relationship with us. In a way, he represents Eric in The Little Mermaid because just as Eric fights off Ursula in order to gain true love, Christ fights off Lucifer in order to gain our love. We must constantly desire Christ more. We should want to be with Him all the time and desire His love. So often when we feel empty or lonely it is because Christ, and his love, is missing in our life. For Eric and Arial, they missed each other’s presence in their lives when they were separated. Our relationship with Christ is the same way. Christ notices our missing presence… and He is the only one who can satisfy our overwhelming emptiness. Christ Jesus is our Prince Eric. Christ Jesus is our special beloved. We must make Christ our special beloved by allowing him to lavish his love upon us (1 John 3:1). We must fall in love with Christ. Pray for the desire to fall in love with Christ, and to live your life for Christ, for it is only by being in love with Jesus that we can come to know who we are as children of God. It is only by being wrapped up in the loving arms of the Father that we can begin to know who we are as children of God. St. Teresa of Avila says, “We shall never succeed in knowing ourselves unless we seek to know God.” There is great truth in this statement, for Christ knows us better than we know ourselves; therefore, we must seek to know who we are through Him.
Let us pray that we may come to know Christ more, that we may define who we are by him, that we may fall in love with him and make him our special beloved.

Keep praying!
God bless!
In the love of Jesus & Mary

Thursday, January 20, 2011

All We Need Is...? Part 1

So often I try to rely on myself, be Miss Independent, and don't want help from anyone...including Christ. I would confidently say that many struggle with this. I confidently say that all of us struggle when it comes to fully relying on Christ, but in reality, all we need is Him. I would run out of fingers and toes if I were to try and count the times I have tried to rely on my own self, my own strength, to overcome a struggle, and every time I try this God smacks me in the head and I get my wake up call.

 "Hello Amber! Remember me? God... you know the one who created you? the one who loves you? the one who wants to help you? the one who you NEED to rely on? the one who will be your strength and uphold you?"

Lately, I have really been struggling in various little ways. The biggest thing has been defining myself; however, since we are defined as children of God it's rather hard to define who I am without God as the focus...and yet I try that's not how it started. Originally, it was all through prayer and with the help of God, but that slowly faded, and He has called me back...yet again (as he always does).

We, as children of God, are called to first love Christ, then love others. Many don't grasp this. Many don't realize that before they can love another person, especially of the opposite sex, in an exclusive relationship, they must first love God. They must know who they are as a son or daughter of God and must be completely in love with the Lord before they are ready to discern. So tonight, I want to talk about relying fully on Jesus.

First, a little something from my personal prayer.

I need nothing, absolutely nothing, but my Jesus, to remain at peace, to experience joy, and to feel complete. 
         This is something we often tend to forget. We must constantly remember that we NEED Jesus. Jesus is our source of life and we need Him to make us whole. In order to experience true joy and true peace we must, must must must, rely on Him and make him our source of life.

This will be continued :)

God bless!
Keep persevering in prayer!
In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Are Stronger

Watch the video in the link above prior to reading this post.

Recently in my prayer God has been telling me that I need to rely on Him as my strength. In our greatest weakness, He is stronger. When we feel broken, fail, and like the slightest touch could break us into a million pieces Christ is stronger.

Look at the ways Christ comes to us, He is born as a child in a manger, in poverty, to show the necessity for humility and beauty of humility. Then he suffers severely, in every possible and even takes upon death, death on a cross for us. He takes on this suffering and death in order to be able to come to us in the Eucharistic form and be our source of life.

When we are weak, Christ is stronger! He comes to us. He lifts us up! He lifts us up from the death of sin. He lifts us up when we have fallen. Despite any struggle we are having, Christ is stronger and Christ will always be our strength. We must rely on Him for strength and make him our everything.

You are stronger O Lord, you are stronger than our greatest weakness. You are stronger.

Keep praying!
Rely on Jesus!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who Am I? The Final Chapter.

Well my friends, it seems that we have ventured to the end of this excursion, as we learned what it meant to be a daughter of God. Today, I wish to sum up everything I covered, so this may be a long post or it may be short, I'm not sure how it will turn out. Regardless, we have defined what it means to be a daughter of God, we have defined our mission, and now it is time to go apply it to our lives!

You are a daughter of God. You are sacred. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

You are a daughter of God -
We are all children of God. We belong to him. He labels us as His own. We are special and important to him. As Psalm 139 says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! We are special creations who were made with great thought. God did make us without a purpose, so we have a purpose, as daughters of God, as children of God, to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ!
Therefore, being a daughter of God means we are loved, we belong to someone (Jesus), and we have a purpose in this life to know love and serve the Lord!

You are sacred -
You are beautiful. We are princesses. We are beautiful. We are special. We are important. We are sacred. With this phrase, I like to think of the churches, and how each one we walk into there immense beauty. The inside of a Catholic Church is usually breath -taking, and the church is filled with things we would consider sacred...including Jesus and the tabernacle. In addition, tabernacles are always think of how beautiful the tabernacle is, you are more beautiful than that! Because God put more thought into your creation and made you even more beautifully than any inanimate object (even if it does hold our source of life!)
God puts this much thought into each one of His creations. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. When God made us, he had fear of screwing up and not doing something exactly as it needed to be. Deep thought and Divine planning went into the creation of each of us. Therefore, we are sacred beings!

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit -
This phrase has a multitude of aspects. Firstly, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit literally. Our body becomes the "tabernacle" of the Lord literally each time receive communion because we are receiving Jesus and he now lives inside our body upon that reception.
However, that is not all that comes into play with this phrase. We must behave and dress in a way that demonstrates we know the Lord lives in us, we are sacred, and we are children of God. So how do we do this?

Ephesians 4:1-6 "I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the Holy Spirit..."

Our mission -
We all have a special mission in this life, as children of God we have a special mission to know, love, and serve God. As women, we have a special mission, just as men have a special mission. Then within our souls, we have a very specific mission that only we can decipher ourselves. I have different mission than Sue, Sue has a different mission than Anne, Anne has a different mission than Mary, and none of them have the same mission. However, as women they share the mission to know, love, and serve God. They also share the mission of women - to love.
Woman has the ability to bear life - with bearing life you gain a deeper love, so as woman you are called to love. You have a loving heart that is meant for love. The only love that can completely satisfy your heart is the love of Jesus. Then, your mission, as woman, is taking this love that you have been given by Jesus Christ, accepting it, and spreading it. Seek to bring others to know Christ through your love. Through the love you give to others, you can bring life because by sharing the love you give people hope.

You are called to be joyful because this love of Christ, given to you unconditionally, can only be spread through joy. Therefore, as a daughter of God you are meant to be joyful and to love with the love of the Lord and spread that love all throughout the world to each person you meet.

As woman, we are also beautiful. We are called to embrace that beauty. I don't mean objectify or promote your body as a pleasure giving object because of the way you dress, but I mean to recognize you are God's special creation. He made you beautiful just the way you are. In addition, as woman, we can use that beauty, if used properly, to spread love as well. Embrace your natural beauty

The best way to bring people to the faith is to be a witness. Be a witness in your joy. People will see your joy and want to share in it.

Dearest Jesus,
We welcome you into our hearts. Please come and fill us with your Divine presence. We love you. Give us the strength to serve you in any way you may call us to serve.

Well my dear sisters, we have brought this mission to an end. Know of my prayers for you! Keep pressing on in this life and remember that no matter happens, you will always belong to God, you will always be loved, and you have a special place to call home in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Life - I Give

My life Lord, I give it to you
Take me as I am
For now I surrender
I lay down my life for you
It is my desire to live solely for you
So my life, I give to you Lord
Take me as I am
I cannot do this alone
I cannot do this without you
So Lord, I give you my life
I place myself at the foot of your cross
I surrender all to you
My life, Lord, I give it to you.

This is just a little poem I wrote as I brought 2010 to a close and welcomed 2011.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who Am I? Part 6

You are a daughter of God. You are sacred. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

For several weeks, I have been praying with this phrase. The first two sentences helped me a lot, but I have struggled to understand what it means when one says your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, other than you need to conduct yourself in a way that shows you are child of God, but what does that mean? Last night, I found an answer.

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4:1-6 "I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the Holy Spirit..."

We need to be gentle, patient, loving towards one another - united with the Holy Spirit. We need to conduct ourselves in a loving way, striving to bring love to each person we meet. We need to be joyful servants of Christ and simply love. The greatest call we have is to love one another as Christ loves us. We must learn to look past imperfections and sins and love each person because they are a special creation, a child of God. If we remember that each person is a special creation, a child of God in each moment, of each day, with each person we encounter we can learn and do learn to love more freely because Jesus is in each of these people and so we must love Jesus in each person. If everyone conducted themselves in a manner of love, this world would be a different place. Be joyful. Be loving. Be gentle. Be patient. Be humble. Know the Holy Spirit lives in you. You live in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

Keep praying!
God bless!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Am I? Part 5

Well friends, this series is getting long, but no worries there is still more to go! I pray the Holy Spirit continues to speak through me here and use me as an instrument for this topic as we continue on this journey of self-definition!

You are a daughter of God. You are sacred. Your body is a temple of the Holy.

Do not be afraid I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine.
-You Are Mine by David Haas

For several weeks this song chorus has been stuck in my head. It's a beautiful song that I'm absolutely obsessed with. I feel it helps to define being a daughter of God, who we are as daughters of God, and what it means to be daughters of God.

So often, we, as followers of Christ, are afraid. We're afraid of change, of what God has in store, of leaving, of moving forward, of letting go of something we've held onto so long, of what is to come, of death, of being  hurt, of being forgotten, of screwing up - however, all of these fears are unnecessary!  They are often times rational and sensible, because of human nature, but God is going to take care of everything regardless, so therefore, are fears are unnecessary. We just need to trust and remember that He is with us. Emmanuel - God with us. He is with us and freely chooses to remain with us. He loves us and wants us to come to Him and remain with Him because he is always with us. Even when we try to "run" or hide from him, he remains with us. He never leaves us.

He calls us each by name! When we are away from our Father and choose to leave Him instead of remain with him and follow him, he begins to cry out to us. He gently calls our names continuously, unceasingly - He whispers messages of love into our ears. He does NOT stop until we return to him. He does not stop until we remain with him and even when we are with him - HE DOES NOT STOP WHISPERING MESSAGES OF LOVE INTO OUR EARS! The Lord does not stop speaking to us, loving us, reaching out to us - rather, he ever more fervently speaks to us when he knows we are listening and will hear what he is saying - the problem is: are we willing to accept what he is telling us or do we choose to reject him because we do not like it.

Come and follow me, I will bring you home.
If we continue to follow; rather, if we choose to follow Jesus, he will lead us home. He will lead us to heaven, to eternity, to His Most Sacred Heart - the place we call home

The Lord says to us in this song I love you and you are mine. I love you. You are mine. We are loved by the Father. We belong to the Father. He calls us his! Being a daughter of God is all about recognizing that you are loved by God and that you belong to God; then choosing to live your life in a way that reflects this. He calls you his own.

My child, I love you and you are mine.

God bless!
Keep praying! -let Christ lead you!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Don't You Realize; Don't You Know?

Don't you realize -
You are special.
Don't you realize -
You are important.
Don't you realize -
You deserve to be treated with respect.
Don't you realize -
You are a special creation?

Don't you know -
Your creation was deeply thought out.
Don't you know -
You have a special plan.
Don't you know -
Each of your days is written.

Don't you know?
Don't you realize?

You are a special, important creation
You have a purpose.

Don't you know?
Don't you realize?

Lately, I have been quite frustrated. Many of my friends are throwing themselves towards the opposite sex - seeking joy from union with that person. This saddens me greatly because I have learned recently - it is God whom we need. It is to God whom we belong. It is God who ought to be our source of joy. We are special creations, not objects. We, as human beings, man and woman alike, are not objects - but people. People with hearts and feelings. People who are important and special and deserve to be treated with respect. We belong to God, but so often we don't live our lives as such. Look at your life. Analyze your behavior recently - what would God think? Would God be well pleased with your behavior? Or, would God be upset? We he be disappointed? Is He wishing for you to change? Is he calling your name? Is waiting for your return to him?
I beg of you, dear friends, look at your life. Look at your behavior. Then, I beg of you, please dear friends, return to Christ! His arms are open and waiting. He is calling your name. He wishes for you to return to Him. He is waiting for you - to wash away your sins and forgive you of your failures. He is the all merciful God and wishes to lavish is love upon you simply because he is your Father and you are his child (Jeremiah 31:3)

God bless!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,