Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Human beings are imperfect. That's a simple fact of life. We fail, screw up, mess up, and fall. When we fail sometimes, we hurt other people. Therefore, I'd confidently say that all of us have been hurt by another person as well. Today, I wish to talk about the virtue of forgiveness. It is one I seem to struggle with. When people hurt me, I tend to get really mad and hold a grudge against them for a long, long time, especially when it comes to guys. My first boyfriend, well he hurt me severely when we broke up. I'd made a few mistakes, he'd made a few mistakes, and we both ended up hurt. However, that's not what it was in my mind. I was the one who got hurt, I was the one who suffered, and he destroyed I frequently like to think. I have held a grudge against him for almost 2 years now because he hurt me. I hated him. He made me angry. He hurt me. He made me suffer. That was how I viewed it. That is NOT how I should have viewed it. I should not have viewed it because it was in accordance to God's will. I would not be the person I am if he had not broken up with me. I would not be the person I am if I had not made the mistakes I did, and got hurt in the way I did. I would not be the person I am today if that had not happened in my life. Therefore, I should forgive this boy. I need to forgive this boy because it wasn't his fault. He hurt me, yes, but when I see the person I became after he hurt me, I am thankful. Ironic, right? Nevertheless, it's true. I'm thankful he hurt me. I'm thankful for the hurt I had to endure because it formed the person I am today. The pain of the cross I had to carry developed my faith. I had nowhere to turn. I could have turned to God or I could have turned to worldly things. I chose God. In addition, because I chose God, I developed a deep passionate love for the Lord. I recognize now, almost 2 years later, that it was because my first boyfriend "broke my heart" that I am so passionate about my faith and so in love with Jesus. 

Next time someone hurts you, don't hold a grudge. Recognize that they are imperfect. Recognize that we are all imperfect. Moreover, just as they hurt you, you have hurt someone too. Forgive them for the hurt. Don't let hold you down. Don't hold on to one little thing. Let go, recognizing that they, just like you, are imperfect and forgive them because you never know the good that will come from the hurt you have been asked to endure. The crosses you are given are given to you for a reason trust in that. Trust in Christ, knowing that He has a perfect plan and reason for you to have to carry this cross he has handed you.  Remember, you are not alone in your struggle. Other people all around you struggle. I encourage us all to embrace each other and love each other as we work to grow in our faith together!

Christ our Lord, help us to break free of the chains tying us down. Give us the grace to let go of our hurts, recognize the good that came from them, and forgive those who have done us harm. We trust in you, O Lord, break lose our chains. Amen.
Keep praying!
Jesus, we trust in you!

God bless!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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