Thursday, September 30, 2010


God has a plan for each of us. He has each moment of our life planned out and knows the exact way we will go. Each decision we make is discerning God's will.
"Should I help this person, or pretend I don't see them?"
"Should I say my prayers or go watch television?"
"Should I do my homework or go out with friends?"
"Am I meant to be a mom or a consecrated religious; a priest or a father?"
"What career path should I take?"

These are all questions we ask ourselves or have asked ourselves. Each of these decisions should be made with God in mind. Each of the decisions should be made with God. Some of them are easier to discern an answer than others.

However, what's most important to remember when discerning is: ultimately, it is your decision. No one, can decide for you. You have to make your decision, you can seek advise from friends, but ultimately, God will tell you what he wants from you, from your life. Only you will know the answer in your heart. You can't let other people influence your decision so much that they make the decision for you because only you can make a decision for your life. Unite everything to the Lord and he will help you to make your decisions, whether daily or life!

God bless!
Keep praying!

In Jesus&Mary,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Handle a Busy Life

The past few days I've been wondering, what am supposed to say in my blog? What does God want me to share?

In our busy-ness we so often forget who matter most. We go from one moment to the next, constantly moving and forget to take that quiet peaceful time with our Lord, so like a car, after we run so long we eventually hit E which is when we run into trouble if we don't fill up.

My life has been crazy busy! I was on a wonderful retreat over the weekend. My grandpa passed away. I started dating a guy. School is going full-force. So many things are happening at once, I would be lost. I am feeling burnt out, tired, worn down, but with Christ as my strength I know I can do anything.

Your life is most likely different than mine, but that doesn't matter. What you need to be sure you do is pray. Each day pray and seek God to 'fill up your tank'. Our spiritual lives need refueled everyday because as we seek to serve Christ we run low daily and so we need to refuel in order to serve Christ most fully each day. I encourage you to take time to pray each day. Whatever it is that works for you, do it. Make yourself spend that time with God each day. It's okay if you don't do it at the same time each day. Be careful not to 'go through the motions' either. Rather dive fully, deeply into your prayer each day and unite it all to Christ.

God bless!
Keep praying.

in Jesus&Mary,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't Rush, Don't Worry

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” -St. Francis de Sales

This is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds us to be at peace always, to trust Jesus always. No matter what is happening in our lives we must always trust Jesus and allow him to reign in our hearts. My life is crazy right now! There is so much going on and with my grandpa being so ill my world should be in complete disarray, but its okay. I am able to trust Jesus and remember not only that he is in charge, but also that my ailing grandpa will soon be with the heavenly Father. In addition, school is going full force and as I am busy with school, youth group, friends, retreats, and more I remain at peace. I know Christ is in control. I know Christ will provide. I know Christ will take care of everything. So, as St. Francis says do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Whenever anything happens do not become fired up, do not become upset, rather remember Christ our king, our true savior allow him to be in control.

God bless!
Keep praying!

In Jesus&Mary,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It's truly interesting to see the different curve balls Christ throws our way. Last night I gave a testimony at youth group, when I don't have much of a voice. I obtained the nickname squeaky one day because my voice was so bad, yet God was like well, you're giving this testimony tonight voice or no voice. I don't know how well it went, I think good since people came up to me afterwards saying how great it was, but you know, it was all the Holy Spirit. I am simply an instrument for Christ and am here to let him work through me.

Also, yesterday I learned that my grandpa only has 3-15 days left to live, which was really hard to accept and really hard for me to register that it really is the end. However, I must remember to trust Jesus always. He's in control and I have remember that soon grandpa will be out of his suffering. He will get to be with the Heavenly Father and experience the joys of heaven.

My point tonight is that no matter what happens, no matter what curve ball Christ might throw your way, continue to trust Jesus! Jesus will always take care of everything you need! He will always provide! He will always be there for you waiting with open arms to accept you and to help you and to love you!

Keep praying!
God bless!

In Jesus&Mary,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Patient and Humble

For months now my dad and I have been car shopping for me. Yesterday we finally bought one! I was very excited to finally be done with the car shopping. Every conversation we had over the past few weeks was almost always about cars. The ones he found that were of interest, ones he looked at, and really awesome ones that he missed. They all weren't meant to be. However, the search is down. Looking back now I see how God was calling me to be patient. I didn't realize it at the time, but my friend Maire and her family would remind me to be patient as we hunted for the right vehicle. I had to trust that the Lord would get us the right car in the proper time. It got to the point where I was praying for the time to come for each car we looked at to be the one because I was growing so impatient and just wanted a car. However, my patience paid off! my car has 90,000 miles and only needs a few mechanical things done to it, that are in no extreme hurry to be done! Now, you may be wondering why I say humility? Well, this summer I learned the true meaning of humility in various ways. With my car, well it's the most basic model you can buy. There is nothing fancy about it. I am used to driving cars that are decked out with every possible gadget. Now I have a basic model honda civic with maual lock, windows, and no cruise, no cd player, no tape player, that I have found. So I've been degraded from top notch cars to as simple as they come, which just goes to show God will provide. The vehicle will take me from point A to point B safely and that's what counts. It took a long time to find, and a lot of frustration, but it's here, it's mine and it sure reminds me that I am the Lord's and my only obligation is to know, love and serve him! So as you may be struggling with something in your life continue to give your frustrations to the Lord. Remember Christ will provide. Be patient and pray. Remember who you are: A CHILD OF CHRIST!

May God bless you!
Keep praying!

In Jesus&Mary,

Friday, September 17, 2010

What's Around the Riverbend?

Yesterday I was ill with a sinus infection and chose to enjoy a relaxing day, looking at the bright side of being sick. I ate chicken noodle soup, drank tea and watched old Disney movies all day in order to give my body rest and allow my medicine to work so I can get better! While watching Pocahontas I began thinking about what might be next in my life during the song just around the river bend. What's just around the corner? That I don't know. What does God have in store for me next? I do not know. That's okay though because it forces me to be humble. It forces me to remember who is in control of my life and trust Jesus. It forced me to recognize that Christ is my King, my Savior, my source of life because He is in control and I do not know what is next. I have a plan, but who knows if it will pan out correctly. This is an interesting point in my life as it is my senior year, I have to pick what to do with my future, where I want to go next year. I also have a few men in my life who catch my interest, but I don't know if God's calling me to date them or not. I only know that I can trust Jesus and let him be in control as I continually give him each day and each second of each day! Therefore, the moral of today's story: always trust in Jesus and remember that He is in control. Anything can happen at any time, do not be concerned just trust that is part of the divine will of Jesus Christ!

Keep praying!
God bless!

in Jesus&Mary,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Devotion to Mary

Many people don't understand the Catholic Church's devotion to Mary. It's simple to those of us who already understand that Jesus came to earth through Mary, therefore Mary knows Jesus more than any of us.

So, as we all know from basic scripture the angel Gabriel came down from heaven and told Mary she would concieve a child who shall be called Emmanual. From her birth Mary was special. God, the Father, made Mary specifically knowing that she would carry His only begotten Son in her womb. She would become the Mother of Christ. Mary has the love of Jesus a mother has for a child and because of her fiat, her yes, to the Father she was greatly rewarded in heaven and is our queen, just as Christ is our King. We are the children of Jesus Christ and Mary.

It is often said that Mary draws us closer to the Sacred heart of her Son, which is our true home. There is a special place in the heart of Jesus for each one of us and when we are not there he knows it. He misses us. He calls for us to return to him. Mary can help us do this, if we ask for her help. She will give us the graces we need to complete our daily task and give God our fiat, our yes to his will each day!

Today, as I was meditating over a reading from True Devotion to Mary I realized that Jesus and Mary come hand in hand. You can't truly know one as you should without knowing the other. Mary helps you to know her Son. She intercedes for us to the Father, she gives us graces, she is our Queen and our Mother, she loves us as if we are her children. Jesus loves his mother. She carried him in her womb and raised him from his birth. In today's gospel we are able to know when Christ gave his mother to be the mother of all heaven and earth:

John 19:25-27
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved
he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son."
Then he said to the disciple,
"Behold, your mother."
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

And so, we can not truly know Jesus without knowing His mother and vice versa. Jesus gave us his mother because we need her help so do not be afraid to ask our Blessed Mother, Mary for help when you struggle for she is our queen and our mother and she wants to help us in our struggles.

God Bless
Keep Praying!

In Jesus&Mary,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Not Easy

Living your life for Christ is not easy! Being a servant of Christ is not easy! Making a decision to do the right thing is not easy!

Many times when we hear these words fear strikes in our hearts and really, there is no reason to fear for choosing Christ is the most precious thing we can do, but also the hardest; however, Christ will be with us as our strength so must trust in Him with all of our struggles and hand everything over to Christ our Saving King and trust in his unending mercy.

I recently made the decision to not date this year in order to better focus on Christ. Then, all of a sudden, I'm slammed with many guys who like and flirtatious temptations, etc....Well DUH this is going to happen, the devil sees you growing closer to Christ, why wouldn't he tempt you? When you make a decision to follow Christ, don't give up too quickly for your reward will be great in heaven. Keep pressing on and turning to Christ. He is our strength and our salvation! He only desires our well being; therefore, we should turn to him, run to his open arms and give him all that is within us, for though it may be a hard life on earth if we are living for Christ we shall inherit eternal life.

May God Bless you!
Keep praying.

In Jesus&Mary,

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So often in this day and age many people in this world walk around aimlessly, not knowing where they're going or what they're aiming for in life. Many of us are empty and we are missing someone. Today's gospel reminds us to rejoice when one is returned to our home. Coming to Christ, coming to know the King, our Savior is most glorious, and the most precious gift of all. We must rejoice when others grow in their faith. We must rejoice when someone comes to Christ. We must always allow ourselves to be joyful and walk in the light of Christ allowing His light to shine through us and touch the hearts of those around us who may not know Christ nor believe that there is a God. It is our duty, as Christians, to live our faith in every moment of our life and every day. When we are not praised for our good deeds we must remember we are only servants of Christ and only fulfilling our duty as followers, sons and daughters, of Christ.

Mother Teresa says: "People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."

May God Bless you!
Keep praying!

In Jesus&Mary,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Answering the Call: Part 2

Forgive me friends for my lack of blogging! My life has been crazy! So, I last left you with forming your sure foundation and doing little things that you may not necessarily really want to do. I hope you have now started a prayer life and that it is going very well! I pray Jesus is blessing your life and moving in your heart.

What's next? We're praying, we're doing little things; however we need more!
Well what's next depends on what God's calling you to do. In your prayer ask him what's next and ask for his help to know what he is calling you to do. Ask him this each day, consecrate your day to him and if nothing major happens that day, then that's okay, just keep striving to please him, to serve Christ!
If God is calling you to do 'big things' then you need to get the idea out of your head that you can't do it! Remember that you can do all things through Christ! If you are being called to change the world in a big way then God will give you the courage, strength, and resources you need to succeed and to accomplish this task. My friend and I are planning to go into high schools this year and bring the gospel to the world! We plan to share the good news. We have to plan assemblies, write testimonies, call schools and have courage to speak in front of youth and reach out to them! I have to overcome my fear of talking about my faith with other people who I don't know from Catholic Youth Summer Camp or youth group or a Jesus Jams/Holiness Revolution. It's not going to be easy, but I know God is calling me to share my story! So, sometimes we're called to do great things, like publically speak and sometimes we're called to do small things like empty the dishwasher when our favorite television show is on. It doesn't matter if you are called to big or small things, you are still deserving of God's love, and you are worth a million bucks in the eyes of Christ! Keep pressing on with Christ as the apple of your eye and you can do all things!

Keep praying!
God bless!

In Jesus&Mary,