Saturday, May 7, 2011

How a Man’s Mind Works – Different than Woman’s

A man’s mind works differently than women, just as God designed. Men are visual and sensual when girls are audial and sentimental. Boys see things and put them together, fill in the blanks, for example, when a male sees a picture missing a nose, his brain draws in a nose fitting to the face. This is why boys are often mechanics and engineers, because they fill in the blanks. When hearing this talk the speaker used an example with his wife, there was an issue that his wife simply wanted to talk through, but his brain started thinking of all the different solutions there could be to this problem, because that is how God designed man’s brain to work. 

Girls, on the other hand hear things and can remember them, they generally are not as focused on visual aspects, but rather they hear something and remember and they are emotional. A girl is very touch with her emotions, and she often describes things based on how she feels and makes decisions based on feelings. For example, when deciding where to eat a girl will often I don’t really feel like eating Mexican or I don’t feel like going out, when a guy might say something along the lines of Mexican food doesn’t look good because he pictures the Mexican food in his brain, since this how his brain function. 

How does this difference apply to modesty? A man sees a woman in a low cut shirt he sees the two lines connecting at the breasts, causing his brain to notice that body part because the lines point there. This also happens with short shorts or super tight pants a man’s brain literally follows the lines of your legs, and because so much is revealed through those clothes, the man’s mind finds that something is astray, thus it must be fixed. When a girl wears leggings as her pants the male brain basically thinks, well this is what her legs would like if they were black. 

The immodest dress leads to men struggling with impurity. Women seem to think men are like faucets, they can turn their thoughts and emotions on and off quite simply and easily. Not true. Men are far more complicated than that because once the human brain starts thinking about something, it is a battle to get that thought out of our mind. Therefore, just as women cannot turn off their emotions, men struggle to turn off thoughts that lead to impure acts. A man of the world will dwell on these thoughts, in order to pleasure from the; however, a man of God will fight these thoughts with all the will power he has because they are sinful. However, when man sees immodestly dressed woman after immodestly dressed woman it becomes a battle, and eventually he may become warn out and stop fighting, falling into acts of deep sin…all because a woman’s immodest dress causes his brain to do as it was created, and fill in the blanks. 

Remember your brothers in Christ each day you get up and get dressed. They are fighting a battle against sin. Create less temptation for them by dressing modestly. Help them fight their fight, as is our duty as their Christian sisters to love them in this way!

Mary, Help of Christians, 
Pray for us!
Mary, mother most pure, 
Pray for us!
Mary, mother most chaste, 
Pray for us


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I am one of those brothers in Christ you are talking about and I try my hardest to push any impure thoughts out of my mind when I see immodest girls. Its especially hard when I am at work.
