Monday, February 28, 2011

Where Should we be Turning?

The previous post discusses the empty searching in our lives. We are all searching for happiness, and we all struggle to find the happiness we desire because we search for it in all the wrong places. We turn to things of this world - television, Internet, friend's, others' approval, pleasurable actions, and more. The question is - where should we be searching? The obvious answer - God. The real question - how do we go about this? The answer - prayer. The actual question - how do we go about prayer. The answer - numerous ways. Today we're going to discuss the importance of prayer, specifically silence and coming to know ourselves through Christ.

It is necessary (and His Majesty's will) that we should take proper measures and learn to understand ourselves. -St. Teresa of Avila (Interior Castle)

The things of this world create much distress. They take away our peace. Our society is filled with noise that draws us away from Christ. The world tells us success, control, independence will grant the peace, the joy, the happiness we are searching for. This; however, is not true. Christ is the only one who will provide the peace, joy and happiness we are searching for. This peace can only be found in silence, and the silence is time spent with God, where you are seeking to know Him more. Also, as children of God, we need to define ourselves by God. He should be the entire essence of our being. All we do, we should do for Him.

John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

So you see, in Christ, and in silence, we receive all that we need to obtain the happiness that we search for in things of the world.

Lord Jesus, grant us the peace we desire. The happiness we are searching for, can only come from you. Give us the grace to surrender the things of this world to you. Catch us as we fall into your loving arms. Amen.

Keep praying!
God bless!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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