Monday, February 7, 2011

All We Need Is...? Part 2

I need nothing, absolutely nothing, but my Jesus, to be complete and to feel whole. This is how we should always look at our life. We should always desire Jesus. We should gather all our strength from Him and rely on Him alone to live this life. The problem: this is extremely difficult! Our human pride gets in the way. We want to rely on our own strength. We want to overcome our problems, in our own ways, relying on our own strength. When we do this, we fall. We fall because we are too weak to carry our crosses on our own. We need Jesus to be our strength in carrying our cross! This is where prayer comes into play. Prayer is communication with Christ, and what better way to get to someone than communicating with him or her! Just as we communicate with our friends and that is how we develop a relationship, become close, we also must communicate with Christ, and develop a relationship with Him.

“As iron cast into fire loses its rust, and becomes all bright with burning, so the man that turns himself wholly to the God is divested of all sloth, and changed into a new man.” (from the Imitation of Christ book 2 chapter 4)

 Let’s say man’s soul is the iron, the rust is sin, and the Holy Spirit is the fire. The man sins, so his soul becomes rusty. He needs to be cleansed, so the fire of the Holy Spirit comes and cleanses the soul. Upon this occurrence, the man is changed. He was open to the Holy Spirit entering his heart and coming to cleanse his soul. He was open to what the man had in store. Therefore, he is now a changed man. The man now is motivated to change his life. Just as the fire cleanses the iron, the Holy Spirit cleanses man.

Let us, as children of God, give Christ that little sliver. Let us be open to change. Let us be open to what the Lord has in store. I pray that the Holy Spirit may move in our hearts and change our lives. I pray that we learn to rely on Christ as our strength, for He is all that we need!

May God bless you!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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