Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wanderlust and Awe

Take me back to that place of wanderlust and awe. Take me home to where my heart belongs, to where my soul is set free, to where my mind can rest. 

Heart heavy with nostalgia, I contemplate the unknowns of my life. I dream of what I want for my life - I think of what I want my future to be and, for once, I am at a loss...the possibilities are endless. But ultimately, ultimately I know I want to love
and to be loved...but how that will unfold is unbeknownst to me. 

I am broken. I know my brokenness, know it well. I want someone who knows brokenness too. A part of me always dreamed of loving someone broken - to whom unconditional love was a mystery. But I realize each person on this earth has yet to fully experience unconditional love because by our human nature, our imperfection, love becomes conditional. Love is started because of a feeling. 

Even those who believe in God, who have a personal relationship with Jesus, who have experienced the love of God are strangers to unconditional love because, due to our imperfect human nature, accepting God's love for us becomes conditional - I'll only believe in God if... 

I close my eyes and I float back to a place of wanderlust and awe. To a place where the world is at my fingertips: the sun & stars are my guide, the wind & water my strength, and my soul is a live & burning fire. 

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