Sunday, January 2, 2011

Don't You Realize; Don't You Know?

Don't you realize -
You are special.
Don't you realize -
You are important.
Don't you realize -
You deserve to be treated with respect.
Don't you realize -
You are a special creation?

Don't you know -
Your creation was deeply thought out.
Don't you know -
You have a special plan.
Don't you know -
Each of your days is written.

Don't you know?
Don't you realize?

You are a special, important creation
You have a purpose.

Don't you know?
Don't you realize?

Lately, I have been quite frustrated. Many of my friends are throwing themselves towards the opposite sex - seeking joy from union with that person. This saddens me greatly because I have learned recently - it is God whom we need. It is to God whom we belong. It is God who ought to be our source of joy. We are special creations, not objects. We, as human beings, man and woman alike, are not objects - but people. People with hearts and feelings. People who are important and special and deserve to be treated with respect. We belong to God, but so often we don't live our lives as such. Look at your life. Analyze your behavior recently - what would God think? Would God be well pleased with your behavior? Or, would God be upset? We he be disappointed? Is He wishing for you to change? Is he calling your name? Is waiting for your return to him?
I beg of you, dear friends, look at your life. Look at your behavior. Then, I beg of you, please dear friends, return to Christ! His arms are open and waiting. He is calling your name. He wishes for you to return to Him. He is waiting for you - to wash away your sins and forgive you of your failures. He is the all merciful God and wishes to lavish is love upon you simply because he is your Father and you are his child (Jeremiah 31:3)

God bless!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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