Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Am I? Part 5

Well friends, this series is getting long, but no worries there is still more to go! I pray the Holy Spirit continues to speak through me here and use me as an instrument for this topic as we continue on this journey of self-definition!

You are a daughter of God. You are sacred. Your body is a temple of the Holy.

Do not be afraid I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine.
-You Are Mine by David Haas

For several weeks this song chorus has been stuck in my head. It's a beautiful song that I'm absolutely obsessed with. I feel it helps to define being a daughter of God, who we are as daughters of God, and what it means to be daughters of God.

So often, we, as followers of Christ, are afraid. We're afraid of change, of what God has in store, of leaving, of moving forward, of letting go of something we've held onto so long, of what is to come, of death, of being  hurt, of being forgotten, of screwing up - however, all of these fears are unnecessary!  They are often times rational and sensible, because of human nature, but God is going to take care of everything regardless, so therefore, are fears are unnecessary. We just need to trust and remember that He is with us. Emmanuel - God with us. He is with us and freely chooses to remain with us. He loves us and wants us to come to Him and remain with Him because he is always with us. Even when we try to "run" or hide from him, he remains with us. He never leaves us.

He calls us each by name! When we are away from our Father and choose to leave Him instead of remain with him and follow him, he begins to cry out to us. He gently calls our names continuously, unceasingly - He whispers messages of love into our ears. He does NOT stop until we return to him. He does not stop until we remain with him and even when we are with him - HE DOES NOT STOP WHISPERING MESSAGES OF LOVE INTO OUR EARS! The Lord does not stop speaking to us, loving us, reaching out to us - rather, he ever more fervently speaks to us when he knows we are listening and will hear what he is saying - the problem is: are we willing to accept what he is telling us or do we choose to reject him because we do not like it.

Come and follow me, I will bring you home.
If we continue to follow; rather, if we choose to follow Jesus, he will lead us home. He will lead us to heaven, to eternity, to His Most Sacred Heart - the place we call home

The Lord says to us in this song I love you and you are mine. I love you. You are mine. We are loved by the Father. We belong to the Father. He calls us his! Being a daughter of God is all about recognizing that you are loved by God and that you belong to God; then choosing to live your life in a way that reflects this. He calls you his own.

My child, I love you and you are mine.

God bless!
Keep praying! -let Christ lead you!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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