Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who Am I? The Final Chapter.

Well my friends, it seems that we have ventured to the end of this excursion, as we learned what it meant to be a daughter of God. Today, I wish to sum up everything I covered, so this may be a long post or it may be short, I'm not sure how it will turn out. Regardless, we have defined what it means to be a daughter of God, we have defined our mission, and now it is time to go apply it to our lives!

You are a daughter of God. You are sacred. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

You are a daughter of God -
We are all children of God. We belong to him. He labels us as His own. We are special and important to him. As Psalm 139 says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! We are special creations who were made with great thought. God did make us without a purpose, so we have a purpose, as daughters of God, as children of God, to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ!
Therefore, being a daughter of God means we are loved, we belong to someone (Jesus), and we have a purpose in this life to know love and serve the Lord!

You are sacred -
You are beautiful. We are princesses. We are beautiful. We are special. We are important. We are sacred. With this phrase, I like to think of the churches, and how each one we walk into there immense beauty. The inside of a Catholic Church is usually breath -taking, and the church is filled with things we would consider sacred...including Jesus and the tabernacle. In addition, tabernacles are always think of how beautiful the tabernacle is, you are more beautiful than that! Because God put more thought into your creation and made you even more beautifully than any inanimate object (even if it does hold our source of life!)
God puts this much thought into each one of His creations. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. When God made us, he had fear of screwing up and not doing something exactly as it needed to be. Deep thought and Divine planning went into the creation of each of us. Therefore, we are sacred beings!

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit -
This phrase has a multitude of aspects. Firstly, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit literally. Our body becomes the "tabernacle" of the Lord literally each time receive communion because we are receiving Jesus and he now lives inside our body upon that reception.
However, that is not all that comes into play with this phrase. We must behave and dress in a way that demonstrates we know the Lord lives in us, we are sacred, and we are children of God. So how do we do this?

Ephesians 4:1-6 "I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the Holy Spirit..."

Our mission -
We all have a special mission in this life, as children of God we have a special mission to know, love, and serve God. As women, we have a special mission, just as men have a special mission. Then within our souls, we have a very specific mission that only we can decipher ourselves. I have different mission than Sue, Sue has a different mission than Anne, Anne has a different mission than Mary, and none of them have the same mission. However, as women they share the mission to know, love, and serve God. They also share the mission of women - to love.
Woman has the ability to bear life - with bearing life you gain a deeper love, so as woman you are called to love. You have a loving heart that is meant for love. The only love that can completely satisfy your heart is the love of Jesus. Then, your mission, as woman, is taking this love that you have been given by Jesus Christ, accepting it, and spreading it. Seek to bring others to know Christ through your love. Through the love you give to others, you can bring life because by sharing the love you give people hope.

You are called to be joyful because this love of Christ, given to you unconditionally, can only be spread through joy. Therefore, as a daughter of God you are meant to be joyful and to love with the love of the Lord and spread that love all throughout the world to each person you meet.

As woman, we are also beautiful. We are called to embrace that beauty. I don't mean objectify or promote your body as a pleasure giving object because of the way you dress, but I mean to recognize you are God's special creation. He made you beautiful just the way you are. In addition, as woman, we can use that beauty, if used properly, to spread love as well. Embrace your natural beauty

The best way to bring people to the faith is to be a witness. Be a witness in your joy. People will see your joy and want to share in it.

Dearest Jesus,
We welcome you into our hearts. Please come and fill us with your Divine presence. We love you. Give us the strength to serve you in any way you may call us to serve.

Well my dear sisters, we have brought this mission to an end. Know of my prayers for you! Keep pressing on in this life and remember that no matter happens, you will always belong to God, you will always be loved, and you have a special place to call home in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

1 comment:

  1. Amber this is so beautiful! This brought me so much joy! :)
