Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who Am I? Part 5

I am a daughter of God.
What does this really mean? Of course, we know the basic answer - it means I have a place to call home, I belong to someone, I have a purpose to know, love, and serve the Lord. As a daughter of God, I have a special mission. As daughters of God we have a special mission because we are women and as woman we have a different mission than man. So what is my mission as woman?

Woman has the ability to bear life - with bearing life you gain a deeper love, so as woman you are called to love. You have a loving heart that is meant for love. The only love that can completely satisfy your heart is the love of Jesus. Then, your mission, as woman, is taking this love that you have been given by Jesus Christ, accepting it, and spreading it. Seek to bring others to know Christ through your love. Through the love you give to others you can bring life because by sharing the love you give people hope.

You are called to be joyful because this love of Christ, given to you unconditionally, can only be spread through joy. Therefore, as a daughter of God you are meant to be joyful and to love with the love of the Lord and spread that love all throughout the world to each person you meet.

As woman, we are also beautiful. We are called to embrace that beauty. I don't mean objectify or promote your body as a pleasure giving object because of the way you dress, but I mean to recognize you are God's special creation. He made you beautiful just the way you are. And, as woman, we can use that beauty, if used properly, to spread love as well. Embrace your natural beauty.
How do we do this properly? In what way can we use our beauty to spread the love of Christ?
Well, to this I do not know the answer. I would say that the way people see you is based on the way you carry yourself and the way you treat your body. So, spread the love of Christ by being respectful to you body. Cover yourself - we don't want to see your cleavage, we don't want to see your butt hanging out your skirt or peaking out of your way too low cut jeans. Therefore, dress in a manner that shows you know your beautiful, but you know that beauty is a gift from Christ. Talk in a way that is respectful and people know you are daughter of God by the way you live your life.

The best way to bring people to the faith is to be a witness. Be a witness in your joy. People will see your joy and want to share in it.

Who am I?
I do not know the answer to this either. What I can say is I am a daughter of God. I belong to God. When we carry ourselves and live our lives as daughters of God we learn who we are. Live your life as a daughter of God. Let the light of the Lord shine through you always!

God bless!
Keep praying!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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