Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Last night we had a servants meeting for my youth group leadership team. We got into an intense discussion about double life syndrome, and how to call the youth group teens to holiness and call them out of this trance many seem to be stuck in. In our deep discussion, our youth minister pointed something out, that I had never thought of, we talk about these same issues every year. We address modesty every year with a different approach. We brought in Justin Fatica, a profound speaker, who called our youth out and who called youth to live up to their purpose. Kids were on fire for about 2 weeks, then everyone went back to their old ways.

Also, I have to ask - why? Why be catholic? Why live your faith out in your life? Why devote you life to Christ? Why party? Why have premarital sex? Why drink excessively? Why get high? Why? Why? Why?

I can't tell you why. I cannot tell you why to do something because I am a different person than you and have different reasons for my decisions in my life.

I choose to follow Christ. I choose to consecrate my Christ to the Lord. I choose to lay my life down for the Lord and to do something more than live for myself. I choose this because I know that by choosing to live for Christ I will get to go to heaven. I have accepted this. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed. There are days when I want to cry all day. There are days when  I don't want to live. There are days when I feel completely and totally alone. But it is all okay, because I know Christ is with me. I know Christ is suffering with me. And there are days when I am so joy-filled I want to cry. There are days when my life seems like it could not get much better, yet I know that there is something so much better waiting for me in the eternal life Christ has promised me!

Therefore, I ask you why? Why do you choose to disregard the faith? Why do you go to church on Sunday after getting excessively drunk Saturday night? Why do you choose to live this life for the world, who promises you nothing?

Why not choose to do something more with your life? Why not choose to live for something more than just this world? Why not try just giving everything over to Christ and see where it takes you?

Just a thought.

God bless!

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