Thursday, May 1, 2014

An Ocean of Mercy

I'm between classes right now and have a dentist appointment at back in my hometown this week so I decided to spend a couple of days relaxing at home - playing with dogs, eating all the food I don't buy for myself, relaxing in the hot tub, boycotting email, and hiking through the woods. The last few days it has been raining more or less constantly - so when I went walking through my woods today everything was covered in water. My parents have 10 acres and a pond with some of it as woods as well. Our pond was actually over flowing with water. I hiked down into the ravine and found a tree to sit on where I prayed the chaplet of Divine Mercy because it was about 3 in the afternoon - which is said to be the hour of mercy. So I spent time reflecting and praying about God's mercy coming down in this world. I was watching a little waterfall flow into a puddle and the water was so abundant that when it fell into the pool of water it formed bubbles. I saw this as Christ's mercy overflowing in this world. Then I continued walking back to my house and just saw water pooling everywhere. And I realized how God's mercy is all around us - overflowing. He is just desiring to flood us with his mercy and love - and we simply need to accept it. 

I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of
love for me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always
and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to
excuse yourself from it (Diary, 742).

Like the gospel command, "Be merciful, just as your Father
is merciful," this demand that we show mercy to our
neighbors "always and everywhere" seems impossible to
fulfill. But the Lord assures us that it is possible. "When a
soul approaches Me with trust," He explains, "I fill it with such
an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within
itself, but radiates them to other souls" (Diary, 1074).

How do we "radiate" God's mercy to others? By our actions,
our words, and our prayers. "In these three degrees," he tells
Sister Faustina, "is contained the fullness of mercy" (Diary
742). We have all been called to this threefold practice of
mercy, but we are not all called in the same way. We need to
ask the Lord, who understands our individual personalities
and situation, to help us recognize the various ways we can
each show His mercy in our daily lives.

Can read more here

"Oh, how great is the goodness of God, greater than we can understand. There are moments and there are mysteries of the divine mercy over which the heavens are astounded. Let our judgment of souls cease, for God’s mercy upon them is extraordinary" - St. Faustina

So in my thoughts here - the rain applies in this - it rains just about everywhere in the world, and water is cleansing. Water washed the earth of its impurities and iniquities. God's mercy washes us of our sins, our impurities, our iniquities, our failures. God's mercy gives us a chance to start fresh to start anew. If you do not know Christ's love - then seek him, seek his love - he made you, though you may not know him, he still knows you, he knit you in his mother's womb and he desires to know you. For those of you who do know Christ's love and mercy - allow this love to overflow from you, that each person you encounter may encounter Christ through you! 

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