Monday, January 31, 2011

We are Made for Happiness

In order for parts of this post to make sense, I recommend you read the following link:

We are made for happiness; we are made for heaven. We are made for unity with God, which gives us happiness, and is only found with heaven. Happiness without God is empty and meaningless; however, happiness with God is what we ought to strive for and seek throughout all our lives.

The happiness we are made for is obtained by unity with Christ. Unity with Christ is obtained in heaven, but during our lives on earth, we are working towards that complete unity with Christ.

Our lives on earth are meant to be lived joyfully because we are working towards complete unity with Christ and we are here serving Him and His kingdom. We are made for happiness...on earth as we are in heaven. On earth, we are called to unite our crosses and hardships to Christ, humbly relying on Him as our strength and living for the hope of heaven.

We must constantly be striving to grow in virtue, because virtue helps us become closer to Christ. In order to grow in any virtue, we must be united to the cross. This is why we must trust in the power of the cross. The cross is the source of our happiness, for it was Jesus' death on the cross that opened the gates of heaven. Therefore, we must hope for the happiness Christ promises us in heaven. We must humbly rely on Christ, recognizing that we cannot rely on our own strength. We must forgive, recognizing that we are imperfect and we need to ban together as fellow Christians and help each other because we are all working for the same goal: Heaven.

Conclusively, we are made for happiness!
We must trust in the power of the cross. We must recognize we are imperfect and seek forgiveness. We mustn't rely on our strength, but rely fully on Christ's. We must hope for heaven. We must make Christ the source of our joy. Lastly, we must fall deeply in love with Christ, because when we are in love with him our desire for complete unity with Him is inflamed which is when we have the happiness we are made for.

God bless!
Keep praying!
Trust in the power of the cross!

In the love of Jesus & Mary,

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