Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let Christ be thy Special Beloved

Let Jesus be thy special beloved.

The other day I watched The Little Mermaid. I am sure many of you know the story, but I am going to summarize it just in case. Arial is a mermaid and she saves Prince Eric, whose ship was wrecked in a storm. Upon getting him on dry land, she begins to sing and he wakes to the beauty of her voice. He cannot get the voice out of his head and searches ceaselessly for this woman because he is determined to marry her. Arial is so in love with Eric she has “head in the clouds” type of mood about her. Ursula, the evil sea witch sees this. Ursula convinces Arial to sell her soul under the circumstance that Arial also gives her voice to Ursula. Arial has 3 days to be kissed by Eric or her soul belongs to Ursula. Of course, Ursula interferes. The start of the 3rd day Ursula turns herself into a human and has Arial’s voice. Therefore, she is able to convince Eric she is the one who saved him and who he is determined to marry. Arial is able to interfere, gets her voice back and Eric realized Arial is the one, not the woman Ursula pretends to be. Ursula becomes infuriated. She does all she can to separate the two. However, their love is still stronger, and true love wins.

Let Jesus be thy special beloved. God calls us all to holiness. He desires an intimate relationship with us. In a way, he represents Eric in The Little Mermaid because just as Eric fights off Ursula in order to gain true love, Christ fights off Lucifer in order to gain our love. We must constantly desire Christ more. We should want to be with Him all the time and desire His love. So often when we feel empty or lonely it is because Christ, and his love, is missing in our life. For Eric and Arial, they missed each other’s presence in their lives when they were separated. Our relationship with Christ is the same way. Christ notices our missing presence… and He is the only one who can satisfy our overwhelming emptiness. Christ Jesus is our Prince Eric. Christ Jesus is our special beloved. We must make Christ our special beloved by allowing him to lavish his love upon us (1 John 3:1). We must fall in love with Christ. Pray for the desire to fall in love with Christ, and to live your life for Christ, for it is only by being in love with Jesus that we can come to know who we are as children of God. It is only by being wrapped up in the loving arms of the Father that we can begin to know who we are as children of God. St. Teresa of Avila says, “We shall never succeed in knowing ourselves unless we seek to know God.” There is great truth in this statement, for Christ knows us better than we know ourselves; therefore, we must seek to know who we are through Him.
Let us pray that we may come to know Christ more, that we may define who we are by him, that we may fall in love with him and make him our special beloved.

Keep praying!
God bless!
In the love of Jesus & Mary

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