God comes to us in our messiness.
I recently read something that said our rooms reflect our hearts. It was on the blog of another friend actually, but I thought about this a moment. I looked around my room - and it was a disaster. I had laundry overflowing from my sack, a basket here, boxes there, bags from Christmas shopping for my family, books here, there, and everywhere. All my drawers are unorganized. My clothes are shoved into my dresser. If you know me, you know this is all very unusual. My room is typically very clean. I'm organized. Everything has it's place. As I reflected on my messiness - I realized God was still coming to me. If my room is this messy - then I'm not so sure I want to take a peak at my heart.
Everything is disordered. Everything is chaotic. In my heart there are many questions - What am I doing with my life? Am I doing the right thing? I know I need to remove something, what is it? Am I supposed to stay at Capital next year or transfer to Mt. Carmel? Am I supposed to take a year off and serve with NET ministries? What is my vocation? Am I called to marriage or religious life? How can I better live out my faith next semester? How can I keep good grades? What kept me from God? How do I please my parents and serve God?
Now - that's a lot of questions. That's a pretty messy heart. But it's okay, Jesus is still here.
We're all disastrous. We all have messes. And the good Lord still loves us. God meets us where we are. It is easy to want to run from Him. It is easy to ask the question - how could the God of the universe love someone as broken as me?
The answer is far beyond what my mind can fathom - just trust and know that Jesus loves you. He is with you, even when you reject his love and deny him the love he deserves. He loves you just the same.
Our Lord humbled himself, took on the sinful human nature, and died out love for us, for our salvation. He's not going anywhere?
The question is: Will you run to the Lord in your messiness? Will you allow the Lord to heal you and help mold you to greater holiness?
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Just Some Quotes
"the greatest gift he can give us is his friendship, his presence, his love. He is the precious treasure we should ask for and treasure always." -Pope Benedict XVI
Each one of us is called to understand that in the prayer of petition to the Lord, we must not expect an immediate fulfillment of our requests, of our will; rather, we must entrust ourselves to the Father's Will, interpreting each event within the perspective of his glory, of his design of love, which is often mysterious to our eyes," -Pope Benedict XVI
"This seems to me to be very important: before the gift is given, to adhere to him who gives; the Giver is more precious than the gift." -Pope Benedict XVI
Each one of us is called to understand that in the prayer of petition to the Lord, we must not expect an immediate fulfillment of our requests, of our will; rather, we must entrust ourselves to the Father's Will, interpreting each event within the perspective of his glory, of his design of love, which is often mysterious to our eyes," -Pope Benedict XVI
"This seems to me to be very important: before the gift is given, to adhere to him who gives; the Giver is more precious than the gift." -Pope Benedict XVI
Be peace-loving. Peace is a precious treasure to be sought with great zeal. You are well aware that our sins arouse God's anger. You must change your life, therefore, so that God in his mercy will pardon you. What we conceal from men is known to God. Be converted, then, with a sincere heart. Live your life that you may receive the blessing of the Lord. Then the peace of God our Father will be with you always. -Saint Francis of Paola
Not the goods of the world, but God.
Not riches, but God.
Not honors, but God.
Not distinction, but God.
Not dignities, but God.
Not advancement, but God.
God always and in everything.
-- Saint Vincent Pallotti
Not riches, but God.
Not honors, but God.
Not distinction, but God.
Not dignities, but God.
Not advancement, but God.
God always and in everything.
-- Saint Vincent Pallotti
The gate that gives entry into these riches of his wisdom is the cross; because it is a narrow gate, while many seek the joys that can be gained through it, it is given to few to desire to pass through it.
-- Saint John of the Cross
-- Saint John of the Cross
In my heart there is only one vacant seat. It is for God and nobody else. Temptation in like fire in which gold is purified. So we have to go through this fire. The temptations are allowed by God. The only thing we have to do is refuse to give in. If I say I do not want it, I am safe. There may be temptations against purity, against faith, against my vocation. If we love our vocation, we will be tempted. But then we will also grow in sanctity. We have to fight temptation for the love of God. -Mother Teresa
Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. -Romans 12:2
“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.”
― Mother Teresa
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.”
― Mother Teresa
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;
and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
The LORD redeems the lives of his servants;
no one incurs guilt who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:19, 23
and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
The LORD redeems the lives of his servants;
no one incurs guilt who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:19, 23
"The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness."
— Pope Benedict XV
— Pope Benedict XV
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
St. John of the Cross
Here are some awesome quotes from our dear friend, St. John of the Cross.
-- Saint John of the Cross
If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection.
Where there is no love, pour love in and you will draw love out.
In detachment, the spirit finds quiet and repose for coveting nothing.
To be taken with love for a soul, God does not look on its greatness, but the greatness of its humility.
The Lord measures our perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them.
I wish I could persuade spiritual persons that the way of perfection does not consist in many devices, nor in much cogitation, but in denying themselves completely and yielding themselves to suffer everything for the love of Christ.
Live in the world as if only God and your soul were in it; then your heart will never be made captive by any earthly thing.
O you souls who wish to go on with so much safety and consolation, if you knew how pleasing to God is suffering, and how much it helps in acquiring other good things, you would never seek consolation in anything; but you would rather look upon it as a great happiness to bear the Cross of the Lord.
In giving us His Son, His only Word, He spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word -- and He has no more to say ... because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All Who is His Son.
God desires the smallest degree of purity of conscience in you more than all the works you can perform.
With what procrastinations do you wait, since from this very moment you can love God in your heart?
The gate that gives entry into these riches of his wisdom is the cross; because it is a narrow gate, while many seek the joys that can be gained through it, it is given to few to desire to pass through it.
-- Saint John of the Cross
If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection.
Where there is no love, pour love in and you will draw love out.
In detachment, the spirit finds quiet and repose for coveting nothing.
To be taken with love for a soul, God does not look on its greatness, but the greatness of its humility.
The Lord measures our perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them.
I wish I could persuade spiritual persons that the way of perfection does not consist in many devices, nor in much cogitation, but in denying themselves completely and yielding themselves to suffer everything for the love of Christ.
Live in the world as if only God and your soul were in it; then your heart will never be made captive by any earthly thing.
O you souls who wish to go on with so much safety and consolation, if you knew how pleasing to God is suffering, and how much it helps in acquiring other good things, you would never seek consolation in anything; but you would rather look upon it as a great happiness to bear the Cross of the Lord.
In giving us His Son, His only Word, He spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word -- and He has no more to say ... because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All Who is His Son.
God desires the smallest degree of purity of conscience in you more than all the works you can perform.
With what procrastinations do you wait, since from this very moment you can love God in your heart?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
There is a God who Loves you Just the Same
Today's Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32
Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
"What is your opinion?
A man had two sons.
He came to the first and said,
'Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.'
The son said in reply, 'I will not,'
but afterwards he changed his mind and went.
The man came to the other son and gave the same order.
He said in reply, 'Yes, sir,' but did not go.
Which of the two did his father's will?"
They answered, "The first."
Jesus said to them, "Amen, I say to you,
tax collectors and prostitutes
are entering the Kingdom of God before you.
When John came to you in the way of righteousness,
you did not believe him;
but tax collectors and prostitutes did.
Yet even when you saw that,
you did not later change your minds and believe him.
As humans, with free will, it is easy for us to say no to God's will and choose what we want to do over what God has planned for us. Luckily, our God is patient, and merciful. Luckily, our God can work with our decisions, and do His best to make the best out of every situation.
Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
"What is your opinion?
A man had two sons.
He came to the first and said,
'Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.'
The son said in reply, 'I will not,'
but afterwards he changed his mind and went.
The man came to the other son and gave the same order.
He said in reply, 'Yes, sir,' but did not go.
Which of the two did his father's will?"
They answered, "The first."
Jesus said to them, "Amen, I say to you,
tax collectors and prostitutes
are entering the Kingdom of God before you.
When John came to you in the way of righteousness,
you did not believe him;
but tax collectors and prostitutes did.
Yet even when you saw that,
you did not later change your minds and believe him.
As humans, with free will, it is easy for us to say no to God's will and choose what we want to do over what God has planned for us. Luckily, our God is patient, and merciful. Luckily, our God can work with our decisions, and do His best to make the best out of every situation.
Sometimes we will make choice, and upon re-evaluation, make a change, just as the son in today's Gospel. Being a young adult, college student, this something that is often done. I've successfully completed my first semester of college. There are girls in my dorm who are transferring to other schools, majors are being changed, decisions were made - and now, with re-evaluation changes are being made. Often times, it is scary to do this. Making decisions are scary. Choosing to take a year off school and to serve is scary. Choosing a college is scary. Choosing a major is scaring. Choosing to do declare yourself single for a season is scary. Choosing to enter into a relationship is scary. Becoming engaged is scary. Getting married is scary. Having your first child is scary. Sending your first child to kindergarten is scary. Sending your children off to college is scary.
Life is all about making decisions. Things rarely turn out as you expect. But it's all a part of growing up. It's all a part of living. And being 18, and a freshman in college, living on your own for the first time, away from parents, is the perfect time to learn. You make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes. Just remember, there is a God who loves you despite every good or bad decision you may make - You will be loved just the same.
May the Lord guide us and lead us to make prudent decisions. May we humbly follow the son in today's Gospel, and not be afraid to change. May we seek to choose God always. Amen.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Times Gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
Crafts with grandma
Silly stories around the fire
While roasting marshmallows
Fish with grandpa,
And learning how to cook the fish
Splashing in the lake
And building sand castles
On the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
Careless wonders of a child
A carefree love
A first kiss
Playing house with the neighbor kids
The ones with whom we spent our time
Creating a make-shift theater on rainy days
And paying mom in pennies for our candy
Oh the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
Family dinner every night
And waiting to eat until dad comes home
Then closing the night as a family with a show
Oh the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
When mom would make me dolls
And hold me when sick
Learning to make perogies
And baking chocolate chip cookies
Ending with a burnt chin
Oh the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
Before stress, anxiety, and depression
Before jobs and choosing your education
Before the ever so common question:
What are you doing with your life?
Oh the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for times gone by
When cookies and milk fixed all problems
And a hug from your daddy.
Oh for the memories of times gone by
My heart weighs heavy
As I long for memories of times gone by
The innocent trust of a child
Linked to the side of our parents
When we did not question why
But simply went about embracing childhood
Oh for the memories of times gone by.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Prayer for Students
Here's a prayer for students, preparing to study, by St. Thomas Aquinas - just in time for the end of the semester or quarter :)
Creator of all things,
true source of light and wisdom,
origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of your light penetrate
the darkness of my understanding.
true source of light and wisdom,
origin of all being,
graciously let a ray of your light penetrate
the darkness of my understanding.
Take from me the double darkness
in which I have been born,
an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
in which I have been born,
an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
Give me a keen understanding,
a retentive memory, and
the ability to grasp things
correctly and fundamentally.
a retentive memory, and
the ability to grasp things
correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent
of being exact in my explanations
and the ability to express myself
with thoroughness and charm.
of being exact in my explanations
and the ability to express myself
with thoroughness and charm.
Point out the beginning,
direct the progress,
and help in the completion.
direct the progress,
and help in the completion.
I ask this through Christ our Lord.
Friday, November 25, 2011
It is Good to Praise the Lord
It is indeed good to praise the Lord. It is indeed good to serve the Lord.
Often times, as humans, and particularly as a woman, it is easy to put "me" aside, and continue living our lives. There's work, school, service, community, etc.
A lesson the Lord has truly been putting on my heart is though it is good to praise Him, it is good to take rest in Him. It is good for Amber to take time for Amber.
Last weekend I went on a woman's retreat. It was a very relaxed retreat with talks focused remotely on being a woman of God. Saturday night we had a chance to just grow in sisterhood, but often times on retreat I need time to process or stop for a few moments, and the opportunity presented itself to me. I love bubble baths. I love relaxing and soaking in a tub filled with hot water and bubbles. It smells good. It feels good. It causes me to relax and gives me an opportunity to block out the world. I went back from the retreat refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed. I knew I needed to keep fighting the good fight, and was encouraged to continue striving for holiness. This week I had an opportunity to go to confession, and only had 2 days of class. It was a very stress-free week. Even work wasn't all that stressful. Then today, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my house and it was the first year we haven't traveled for Thanksgiving, and it was so wonderful. I was able to sleep in, hang out with my dad, eat lots of food, and watch Disney movies to embrace the child in me and just relax. It was so perfect.
As I was lying here watching Cinderella I was thinking about this important reminder God has integrated into my life. I was hitting my breaking point. I was ready to hit a wall, but the good Lord helped me to stop before I was too far gone. He caught me just in time, another reminder in how perfect our God is. He has given me a multitude of opportunities to relax, rest, and care for my body in order to best be able to serve Him.
My dear sisters, and brothers, in Christ, I encourage you to remember to care for yourself amongst serving the Kingdom of God. Remember to serve yourself. It is good to take time for yourself, and even praise the Lord during this time set aside for just you. The weekend of the retreat, I was convicted to sing praises to the Lord while taking my "Amber" time. I encourage you to simply open your heart to the Lord, to His perfect love & mercy, and take that time to care for your body so you may be at your best to fully serve the Lord.
God bless!
Often times, as humans, and particularly as a woman, it is easy to put "me" aside, and continue living our lives. There's work, school, service, community, etc.
A lesson the Lord has truly been putting on my heart is though it is good to praise Him, it is good to take rest in Him. It is good for Amber to take time for Amber.
Last weekend I went on a woman's retreat. It was a very relaxed retreat with talks focused remotely on being a woman of God. Saturday night we had a chance to just grow in sisterhood, but often times on retreat I need time to process or stop for a few moments, and the opportunity presented itself to me. I love bubble baths. I love relaxing and soaking in a tub filled with hot water and bubbles. It smells good. It feels good. It causes me to relax and gives me an opportunity to block out the world. I went back from the retreat refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed. I knew I needed to keep fighting the good fight, and was encouraged to continue striving for holiness. This week I had an opportunity to go to confession, and only had 2 days of class. It was a very stress-free week. Even work wasn't all that stressful. Then today, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my house and it was the first year we haven't traveled for Thanksgiving, and it was so wonderful. I was able to sleep in, hang out with my dad, eat lots of food, and watch Disney movies to embrace the child in me and just relax. It was so perfect.
As I was lying here watching Cinderella I was thinking about this important reminder God has integrated into my life. I was hitting my breaking point. I was ready to hit a wall, but the good Lord helped me to stop before I was too far gone. He caught me just in time, another reminder in how perfect our God is. He has given me a multitude of opportunities to relax, rest, and care for my body in order to best be able to serve Him.
My dear sisters, and brothers, in Christ, I encourage you to remember to care for yourself amongst serving the Kingdom of God. Remember to serve yourself. It is good to take time for yourself, and even praise the Lord during this time set aside for just you. The weekend of the retreat, I was convicted to sing praises to the Lord while taking my "Amber" time. I encourage you to simply open your heart to the Lord, to His perfect love & mercy, and take that time to care for your body so you may be at your best to fully serve the Lord.
God bless!
Monday, November 7, 2011
We're all Sinners
Lk 17:1-6:
Jesus said to his disciples,
"Things that cause sin will inevitably occur,
but woe to the one through whom they occur.
It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck
and he be thrown into the sea
than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.
Be on your guard!
If your brother sins, rebuke him;
and if he repents, forgive him.
And if he wrongs you seven times in one day
and returns to you seven times saying, "I am sorry,"
you should forgive him."
And the Apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
The Lord replied, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed,
you would say to this mulberry tree,
'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you."
Today's Gospel struck me with the reminder we are all imperfect, thus we should all be merciful towards one another. This year I moved out of my parent's house and into dorms, got a job, go to school full time, and make time for social things as well. I've been trying to do it all, as one may say. Anxiety and depression are a part of my struggle, my cross this time of year, and this year has been worse than in the past so far. Last year, it wasn't too bad. It did cause me to break up with my boyfriend at the time, but not as bad as this year. So when I had an anxiety attack last week it was really easy for me to be hard on myself, and to attempt analyzing what was causing and to ask how did I mess up this time? What did I do wrong?
I wanted to blame myself, but really God just wanted me to give this suffering as a sacrifice to him.
Friday I talked with my friend Nicole about my anxiety and what was going on, she reminded me that there is nothing wrong with having a simple prayer life. Sunday, when I finally made it to mass, the priest said in his homily, how we are to strive to live for the kingdom of God. As long as we try, as long as we have faith, and as long as we are giving all that we can give to serve the Kingdom, the Lord will be pleased.
I had to be reminded when time for judgement comes the Lord won't look at me and be like you failed this chemistry exam, you skipped class this many times, you did poorly on this quiz; rather, he will look at me and see you loved this person well, by staying up late you helped this person, by offering this anxiety to me you saved this soul. He will ask how well we loved his people, not how well we succeed by worldly standards.
May we always remember each of us is imperfect, forgive one another of our mistakes, and seek to love our God and others above all things.
God bless!
Jesus said to his disciples,
"Things that cause sin will inevitably occur,
but woe to the one through whom they occur.
It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck
and he be thrown into the sea
than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.
Be on your guard!
If your brother sins, rebuke him;
and if he repents, forgive him.
And if he wrongs you seven times in one day
and returns to you seven times saying, "I am sorry,"
you should forgive him."
And the Apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
The Lord replied, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed,
you would say to this mulberry tree,
'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you."
Today's Gospel struck me with the reminder we are all imperfect, thus we should all be merciful towards one another. This year I moved out of my parent's house and into dorms, got a job, go to school full time, and make time for social things as well. I've been trying to do it all, as one may say. Anxiety and depression are a part of my struggle, my cross this time of year, and this year has been worse than in the past so far. Last year, it wasn't too bad. It did cause me to break up with my boyfriend at the time, but not as bad as this year. So when I had an anxiety attack last week it was really easy for me to be hard on myself, and to attempt analyzing what was causing and to ask how did I mess up this time? What did I do wrong?
I wanted to blame myself, but really God just wanted me to give this suffering as a sacrifice to him.
Friday I talked with my friend Nicole about my anxiety and what was going on, she reminded me that there is nothing wrong with having a simple prayer life. Sunday, when I finally made it to mass, the priest said in his homily, how we are to strive to live for the kingdom of God. As long as we try, as long as we have faith, and as long as we are giving all that we can give to serve the Kingdom, the Lord will be pleased.
I had to be reminded when time for judgement comes the Lord won't look at me and be like you failed this chemistry exam, you skipped class this many times, you did poorly on this quiz; rather, he will look at me and see you loved this person well, by staying up late you helped this person, by offering this anxiety to me you saved this soul. He will ask how well we loved his people, not how well we succeed by worldly standards.
May we always remember each of us is imperfect, forgive one another of our mistakes, and seek to love our God and others above all things.
God bless!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Jesus Wants All of Us
Tonight I was partaking in an event called One Gospel. It's put on by Saint Paul's Outreach on OSU's campus. We hear a young adult give a talk - tonight we talked about how Jesus calls us each by name, with all faults and flaws, He wants us just as we are. After the talk we respond in prayer. Tonight's talk concluded with a call to be jerked out of our complacency, and out of our daily routines and schedules, and to seek Jesus. We respond by singing praise and worship - to glorify our great God.
It struck me, while we were singing Our God by Chris Tomlin , that God shines his light in all parts of our hearts.
Lets be real, and stop pretending everything is perfect: we all have our brokenness. We have all messed up. We all have the 'junk' drawer, or skeletons in the closet. We have dark spots on our hearts. However, Jesus shines his light there - in our junk draw, in our closet, on our dark spots, our imperfections. He made us perfect. He loves us. He wants all of us.
Jesus doesn't just want the pieces we think are good enough to give him. He wants all of us. Jesus wants the brokenness. He wants the hurts we've felt when our parents fight. He wants the hurts we experience when we feel judged. He wants the pain we feel when we are humiliated in class and among friends. He wants the part of us marked with sin - whatever sin that is - whether it's the Lord's name in vain, premarital sex, gossip, sloth, drunkenness, or not loving someone as much as we should. He wants to heal us.
Jesus desires to chisel away the scarred, broken, imperfect areas of our lives and make them new. May we have the humility to recognize our faults and give them to Jesus. May we let Jesus care for all of us.
It struck me, while we were singing Our God by Chris Tomlin , that God shines his light in all parts of our hearts.
Lets be real, and stop pretending everything is perfect: we all have our brokenness. We have all messed up. We all have the 'junk' drawer, or skeletons in the closet. We have dark spots on our hearts. However, Jesus shines his light there - in our junk draw, in our closet, on our dark spots, our imperfections. He made us perfect. He loves us. He wants all of us.
Jesus doesn't just want the pieces we think are good enough to give him. He wants all of us. Jesus wants the brokenness. He wants the hurts we've felt when our parents fight. He wants the hurts we experience when we feel judged. He wants the pain we feel when we are humiliated in class and among friends. He wants the part of us marked with sin - whatever sin that is - whether it's the Lord's name in vain, premarital sex, gossip, sloth, drunkenness, or not loving someone as much as we should. He wants to heal us.
Jesus desires to chisel away the scarred, broken, imperfect areas of our lives and make them new. May we have the humility to recognize our faults and give them to Jesus. May we let Jesus care for all of us.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"If a soul is not rooted in the divine will the soul is subject to being blown around and away from the mountain of holiness. When this occurs, many others are affected because each life involves other souls intended to benefit from that life. This situation is what Jesus is attempting to remedy through the renewal. We all have a role to play in this renewal and that role is clearly marked out in our vocation." -Climbing the Mountain
For months now, I have heard friends talk about being rooted in Christ. I came across this tonight, after living in college dorms a little over a month, and having a few emotional things on my heart, this really struck home tonight. We must be rooted in Christ because we have a purpose to help forward the kingdom of God. We must seek to be fed, so that we can be light to those who don't know Christ. We must, as student, as mother, as friend, as educator, as daughter, as sister seek to live in and with and for Christ so that we can help bring others to Christ and further the kingdom of heaven! Praise be to the God who saves. May we serve him, amidst all trials.
For months now, I have heard friends talk about being rooted in Christ. I came across this tonight, after living in college dorms a little over a month, and having a few emotional things on my heart, this really struck home tonight. We must be rooted in Christ because we have a purpose to help forward the kingdom of God. We must seek to be fed, so that we can be light to those who don't know Christ. We must, as student, as mother, as friend, as educator, as daughter, as sister seek to live in and with and for Christ so that we can help bring others to Christ and further the kingdom of heaven! Praise be to the God who saves. May we serve him, amidst all trials.
On this day 2 years ago, I was born again. This morning my friend texted me saying "Happy baptism day!!! This is like more exciting than your birthday. The day your life changed forever and you came into the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church." Woah. Today I've been Catholic for two years. That's crazy!
Last night was a rough night. I had my first exam today, and chemistry lab, and I've been fighting a cold, and so I slept, and if I wasn't sleeping I was at work, in class, or doing homework, so my prayer was put aside a little. Finally, I settled down and decided all that I had left to do was pray. As I logged off and closed my computer I saw this verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jeremiah 29:11
How truly does our Lord have the perfect plan. Four years ago I never would've guessed this is where I would be and what I would be doing.
May we always trust in the Lord's unending mercy. May we always trust he has a perfect plan, meant for our good and our success. May we continually turn to Jesus and seek his guidance.
Last night was a rough night. I had my first exam today, and chemistry lab, and I've been fighting a cold, and so I slept, and if I wasn't sleeping I was at work, in class, or doing homework, so my prayer was put aside a little. Finally, I settled down and decided all that I had left to do was pray. As I logged off and closed my computer I saw this verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jeremiah 29:11
How truly does our Lord have the perfect plan. Four years ago I never would've guessed this is where I would be and what I would be doing.
May we always trust in the Lord's unending mercy. May we always trust he has a perfect plan, meant for our good and our success. May we continually turn to Jesus and seek his guidance.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Total Surrender
"Man is incapable of giving life by himself. He can only be understood starting from God. It is our relationship with Him that gives consistency to our humanity and makes our lives good and right,” Pope Benedict XVI
Life is insane. It gets the way. We feel anxious. There's school, work, getting into school, paying for school, passing classes, keeping scholarships, adjusting to new living circumstances, and more. Everyone's life is different. There are new relationships forming, old ones fading away, and some continually growing ever stronger. But what we must remember is to surrender.
On Sunday I was exhausted, so I slept in and went to the noon mass. I began to feel anxious. I was thinking about school, a lunch date, work, etc. Then I stopped and I looked up at the crucifix. What great love Jesus has for us, his precious children. I realized I needed to surrender all my stresses to God. I stared at the crucifix for a long time. It was a moment when I couldn't take my eyes away. Jesus did that for me. He wants to help me in carrying my own cross, and I need to let him. I don't need to be strong. I don't need to carry my cross alone. It Jesus that I need. It Jesus that satisfies my every need. It is Jesus who fills me. It is Jesus who strengthens me. It is Jesus who loves me unconditionally.
“It is the gift of your whole heart that God most desires, a heart without pretense or posturing, a heart in all its honesty, beauty, passion, and brokenness, a heart pulsing with love, joy, sadness, delight, doubt, pain, anguish, even anger. True love expresses all emotions, and true love—God’s true love for you—accepts them.”
May we always strive to make a total to surrender to God and unite our cross to him.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
We are Weak; He is Strong
"We are his weak little lambs, and he carries us." This is a phrase I have been told a thousand times over, but I never got it. It didn't make sense to me. I am supposed to be able to be strong. I am supposed to be able to handle things on my own. I don't need others. I don't need friends, family, or God. I'm supposed to be able to heal on my own. I'm supposed to be able to deal with my issues and problems on my own. WRONG. I am weak. I am broken. I can't carry my cross on my own. I need my friends, and family, and most importantly my God. Yesterday was my little brother's 17th birthday. He was in a car accident this summer, and it was a bad accident, and he was very lucky. This week I was reflecting on the past year - and it's been a little crazy, and definitely not easy.
My grandpa died, my mom was depressed, I dealt with relationship and tried to force healing. My dad was stationed in Memphis, TN for work, my little brother got in a car accident, my grandma got sick, and 2 of my closest friends discerned a call to do a year of ministry travelling the country, which is beautiful, but so challenging.
The hardest times were my grandpa's death, and holding my mom while she cried because she missed my grandpa, her dad. And my brother's accident, I had to go to the hospital because my dad was in TN and my mom had surgery the morning prior. I thought about how I drove the hospital, and held my brothers hand, as his face was covered in blood, his body had blood everywhere, while he got stitches, and how thankful I was to be able to even hold his hand. I believe the hardest moment was seeing him off in the ambulance. He was going to a big scary hospital, by himself, and there weren't going to be any familiar faces there any time soon. I didn't want to leave him, but I needed to be safe.
In all of these times I was strong. I didn't cry. I didn't "break". I remained calm. I remained peaceful. I loved. I prayed.
I loved my mom when she cried. I loved my brother when he cried, and I held him. I loved them with the love of Christ. The best thing we can do is love!
I prayed for strength. I prayed, and united my sufferings and struggles to Christ, and he strengthened me.
The greatness of our weakness, and the power and strength of our God cannot be expressed in words. We can only pray and wait for the opportunity to realize how weak each one of us truly is, and how strong our God is.
My grandpa died, my mom was depressed, I dealt with relationship and tried to force healing. My dad was stationed in Memphis, TN for work, my little brother got in a car accident, my grandma got sick, and 2 of my closest friends discerned a call to do a year of ministry travelling the country, which is beautiful, but so challenging.
The hardest times were my grandpa's death, and holding my mom while she cried because she missed my grandpa, her dad. And my brother's accident, I had to go to the hospital because my dad was in TN and my mom had surgery the morning prior. I thought about how I drove the hospital, and held my brothers hand, as his face was covered in blood, his body had blood everywhere, while he got stitches, and how thankful I was to be able to even hold his hand. I believe the hardest moment was seeing him off in the ambulance. He was going to a big scary hospital, by himself, and there weren't going to be any familiar faces there any time soon. I didn't want to leave him, but I needed to be safe.
In all of these times I was strong. I didn't cry. I didn't "break". I remained calm. I remained peaceful. I loved. I prayed.
I loved my mom when she cried. I loved my brother when he cried, and I held him. I loved them with the love of Christ. The best thing we can do is love!
I prayed for strength. I prayed, and united my sufferings and struggles to Christ, and he strengthened me.
The greatness of our weakness, and the power and strength of our God cannot be expressed in words. We can only pray and wait for the opportunity to realize how weak each one of us truly is, and how strong our God is.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I Trust in You
My Jesus, my God
I place my trust in You
You showed your great love for me
By your death on the cross
You provide for my needs
With the gift of your body and blood
You strengthen me through all my struggles
With your precious gifts of grace
You are my rock
On which I stand firm
You love me unconditionally
And wrap me in your arms of mercy
My Jesus, my God
I trust in you.
I place my trust in You
You showed your great love for me
By your death on the cross
You provide for my needs
With the gift of your body and blood
You strengthen me through all my struggles
With your precious gifts of grace
You are my rock
On which I stand firm
You love me unconditionally
And wrap me in your arms of mercy
My Jesus, my God
I trust in you.
Direction for Our Times, Anne a Lay Apostle Monthly message
September 1, 2011
Dear apostles, it is with joy that I speak with you today. When I contemplate your fidelity to My plan for mercy, I feel joy. When I contemplate your fidelity to holiness, I feel joy. Do not pause in your commitment to becoming holier. This calm movement into the Spirit of gentleness and kindness should help you to view others with compassion, yes, but also yourself. Do you view yourself with compassion? Do you offer kindness and mercy toward yourself when you contemplate your condition? My friends, My dearest friends, be careful to view yourself as I view you. Be careful not to view yourself in harsh light that seeks to condemn. If you are tempted against mercy for yourself, then truly, you are tempted against truth. Because it is only with mercy and love that I greet your present condition and your attempts to advance in holiness. I am love. I could hardly ask you to love others and then withhold love from you. That would be a flawed plan, destined to fail. My plan is perfect. I give you a receptive heart, you receive My love in abundance, and then stand for Heaven to be a well on earth which both stores and distributes love. Beloved apostle, search your heart today. If you do not find mercy and compassion for yourself in your heart, come to Me at once and ask Me to give these things to you. My plan for you and for the world will not advance as quickly as necessary if you do not accept your present condition and understand My perfect love for you. Your potential for holiness has not yet been fully achieved, of course, and I want you to advance. And I ask that you do so in confidence, joy and hope. Rejoice. I am with you. Please Visit www.directionforourtimes.com for more information on this apostolate
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
God Knows...
I was talking to a friend tonight and she was telling me how she was currently able to truly trust in the Lord, in this time when she feels blind and unsure of what's going on. And I was talking to her about moving into college and adjusting, yet still finding time for prayer and the like.
My friend told me " I know he's got everything taken care of now. I have this natural trust to the cross" Which I then told her this was what she needed right now and God knew that this was what she needed. He was providing for her by giving her the graces she needed to trust in his love and mercy.
And I realized how God is working in my life, within my personal relationship with him. Right now, I need to learn to lean more on him. I've always leaned on my friends, and youth group, but I need to learn to rely more on my God for my strength and my support. Obviously, I need my friends because Jesus doesn't ask us to live this life on our own, but to live it with others, all striving to reach holiness together; however, there are times in our lives when we must learn and grow on our own. God has given me a deep desire for prayer, to deepen my relationship with Christ, to love him, and come to know him more fully. Even more so, he has given me time and opportunity to pray and to spend time with him.
Therefore, I want to remind my readers - God knows. He knows what we're going through. He knows what we need. He knows how to provide exactly what we need of him.
May we always trust in the Lord and remember that he knows exactly what we need and how to provide for us.
As we adjust to new school schedules, and falling back into the rhythm of craziness and life - may our lives and hearts be focused on seeking to know the Lord more intimately.
God bless.
My friend told me " I know he's got everything taken care of now. I have this natural trust to the cross" Which I then told her this was what she needed right now and God knew that this was what she needed. He was providing for her by giving her the graces she needed to trust in his love and mercy.
And I realized how God is working in my life, within my personal relationship with him. Right now, I need to learn to lean more on him. I've always leaned on my friends, and youth group, but I need to learn to rely more on my God for my strength and my support. Obviously, I need my friends because Jesus doesn't ask us to live this life on our own, but to live it with others, all striving to reach holiness together; however, there are times in our lives when we must learn and grow on our own. God has given me a deep desire for prayer, to deepen my relationship with Christ, to love him, and come to know him more fully. Even more so, he has given me time and opportunity to pray and to spend time with him.
Therefore, I want to remind my readers - God knows. He knows what we're going through. He knows what we need. He knows how to provide exactly what we need of him.
May we always trust in the Lord and remember that he knows exactly what we need and how to provide for us.
As we adjust to new school schedules, and falling back into the rhythm of craziness and life - may our lives and hearts be focused on seeking to know the Lord more intimately.
God bless.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
May You Be Mine
May you be my Savior
O Lord, my God
I cling to you
Rescue me
From my sin
Fill me with your love
In times of change
May you be my rock
On which I stand firm
In times of distress
May you be the calm
Reigning in my heart
In times of worry
May you be the one
In whom I trust
In times of fear
May you bring me peace
To trust in you
In all trials of life
May you be my strength
My Lord and my God.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Our Lady of Peace, Pray for us.
There has been so much stress in my life lately. I have a job. I'm moving out in 2 days. Two of my closest friends are leaving for ministry in 2 days and I won't see them until December. I'm trying to figure out all this loan stuff and paying for school. My car is in the shop, I'm driving my mom's car, and my mom has a rental - which is just really annoying. My room looks kind of like a tornado ran through it. I won't be home all day tomorrow until Thursday morning, which is the day I leave, so I need to finish packing tonight. And that's not even all of it.
This morning it took all I had to get out of bed, it took all I had in me to hold myself together. Then I remembered something a friend told me once. "The sooner we accept the fact that we are imperfect the sooner we will be at peace. It's Christ who is strong, not us." Thus I paused for a moment. Actually, I was driving to Walmart, but I started thinking about all the stress I was feeling - I was feeling stressed when I couldn't find anything to listen to on the radio, which is what sent up a red flag. Therefore, I turned off the radio and pulled out a rosary. I prayed my rosary - the sorrowful mysteries are today - and asked for graces and peace in this stressful time. During the fourth mystery I prayed for the graces to carry my cross, with the help of God, and for the graces to not try carrying it on my own, but to carry it with the help God is offering me. I prayed for the graces to remember that I am his weak little lamb, and he will carry me. It is Christ who is strong, not me. When I finished that rosary, I was more at peace. I was able to be calm.
This is not the first time something like this has happened. Our Lady, Mary, Queen of heaven & earth will always give us the graces we need. Our lady is truly a Queen of Peace. She sees we need her help, and automatically comes to our aid.
May we always come to Mary, our Mother and our Queen. I also believe we should look to her as our Lady of Consolation as well as our Lady of Peace because they are so closely linked.
Our Lady of Consolation, Pray for us!
Our Lady of Peace, Pray for us!

This is not the first time something like this has happened. Our Lady, Mary, Queen of heaven & earth will always give us the graces we need. Our lady is truly a Queen of Peace. She sees we need her help, and automatically comes to our aid.
May we always come to Mary, our Mother and our Queen. I also believe we should look to her as our Lady of Consolation as well as our Lady of Peace because they are so closely linked.
Our Lady of Consolation, Pray for us!
Our Lady of Peace, Pray for us!
Monday, August 15, 2011
...But Offer This Heart, O God
Life is a roller coaster. There are good days there are bad days. Today, was an okay day. Being a woman, my emotions can be crazy sometimes. Today was one of those days. But when I was feeling rather upset, and somewhat overwhelmed, and kind of frustrated a profound phrase came to mind.
So what can I say?
What can I do?
But offer this heart,
O God,
Completely to you!
Whether it's your first day back to school, you're starting a new job, moving out for the first time, experiencing car trouble, feeling confused about what's going on in a relationship, helping a friend with a struggle, celebrating new life, experiencing change, anxiety, peace....no matter what is going on in our life, we must remember our Jesus. We must spend time where it is just you and Jesus. We must allow him to bring peace. Regardless of the situation we are in, there is always room for Jesus; there is always time for Jesus; it is up to us to make the decision .
I''ll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
in awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered
All I am is yours
May we remember these words always. May we live abandoned to the Lord, in awe of his glory. May we surrender ourselves to his love, and pray his will always be done. May we pray to forever be guided by his light. Amen.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Trusting Christ Hears Prayers
"About eight months ago my boyfriend and I broke up. I was hurt a lot by him, but it wasn't because we broke up. I was at peace with that. It because he was no longer the person I knew. However, I realized that nobody is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes, and as an apostle of Jesus Christ, and as this man's sister in Christ, it was my duty to pray for him. It was my duty to forgive him, without an apology. It was my duty to love him, as a brother, where he was at, and pray for conversion of his heart, and continue being his friend. For a long time I've done this now, and I see the fruit of my prayers. Tonight, he apologized for hurting me. He thanked me for loving him despite hurting him. Most importantly, he thanked me for holding him accountable in his faith.
I share this with you for encouragement. It is easy to become discouraged in this world. We pray for an end to abortion, and it doesn't seem to do anything. We pray for conversion of our friends and even our families, but we seem to see no result. We pray and pray, for big things and for little, but we never seem to see the result. We get frustrated. We become angry with God because he is not doing what we want. When this happens, we must pray for trust in the will of the Father. God's plan is perfect. God's timing is perfect. We must trust in this.
Tonight, I was blessed to see the fruit of my prayers. I pray that you may be encouraged. I pray that you may not become discouraged and that you may find hope in the Father's perfect plan.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
May we trust in the Lord, and continue praying, even when we don't see the fruits of our prayer.
I share this with you for encouragement. It is easy to become discouraged in this world. We pray for an end to abortion, and it doesn't seem to do anything. We pray for conversion of our friends and even our families, but we seem to see no result. We pray and pray, for big things and for little, but we never seem to see the result. We get frustrated. We become angry with God because he is not doing what we want. When this happens, we must pray for trust in the will of the Father. God's plan is perfect. God's timing is perfect. We must trust in this.
Tonight, I was blessed to see the fruit of my prayers. I pray that you may be encouraged. I pray that you may not become discouraged and that you may find hope in the Father's perfect plan.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
May we trust in the Lord, and continue praying, even when we don't see the fruits of our prayer.
Monday, August 1, 2011
What Will Separate us from the Love of Christ?
Brothers and sisters:
What will separate us from the love of Christ?
Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine,
or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?
No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly
through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities,
nor present things, nor future things,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature will be able to separate us
from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35,37-39)
I love this reading. End of story. Not really...
In this life, in this modern world, it is so easy, so very very easy to feel separated from Christ. We are easily consumed by the media, most especially, but also by the busy-ness of this life. We get consumed in doing homework, doing chores, going to school, going to practice, going to sports events, going to concerts, performing our instruments, working, etc. In doing all this - in living life, we put Christ aside. We forget him. So often it seems there's barely enough time to squeeze in that one hour a week for Sunday mass. Which we should be making efforts to have a personal relationship with Christ, but that can't happen until we allow Jesus into our hearts. That can't happen until we make a determined decision to change, and have a support system to back us up and help us. But this reading tells us - no matter what, no matter how busy we get, despite the fact that we put Jesus aside - He STILL LOVES US. He loved...no loves us so much he died on the cross for us. He suffered brutal beatings, carried a wooden cross up a mountain, was nailed to the cross he carried, and died upon that cross - because he loves us that much. With a love like that - what can separate us from it? For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May we have the graces then, to continue on. May we become better at choosing Jesus first. May we always remember: no matter how far I've fallen, Jesus still loves me where I'm at and he wants to help me reach the perfection I am meant for. And may we turn to Our Lady, Mary Mother of God, in our times of need - trusting that she will wrap us in her mantle, and draw us to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
God bless!
What will separate us from the love of Christ?
Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine,
or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?
No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly
through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities,
nor present things, nor future things,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature will be able to separate us
from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35,37-39)
I love this reading. End of story. Not really...
In this life, in this modern world, it is so easy, so very very easy to feel separated from Christ. We are easily consumed by the media, most especially, but also by the busy-ness of this life. We get consumed in doing homework, doing chores, going to school, going to practice, going to sports events, going to concerts, performing our instruments, working, etc. In doing all this - in living life, we put Christ aside. We forget him. So often it seems there's barely enough time to squeeze in that one hour a week for Sunday mass. Which we should be making efforts to have a personal relationship with Christ, but that can't happen until we allow Jesus into our hearts. That can't happen until we make a determined decision to change, and have a support system to back us up and help us. But this reading tells us - no matter what, no matter how busy we get, despite the fact that we put Jesus aside - He STILL LOVES US. He loved...no loves us so much he died on the cross for us. He suffered brutal beatings, carried a wooden cross up a mountain, was nailed to the cross he carried, and died upon that cross - because he loves us that much. With a love like that - what can separate us from it? For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May we have the graces then, to continue on. May we become better at choosing Jesus first. May we always remember: no matter how far I've fallen, Jesus still loves me where I'm at and he wants to help me reach the perfection I am meant for. And may we turn to Our Lady, Mary Mother of God, in our times of need - trusting that she will wrap us in her mantle, and draw us to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
God bless!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Serving, Suffering and Uniting it to Christ
Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many - Matthew 20:26-28.
These words perfectly describe what we are called to do. As Christians, as a apostles, as disciples of Christ we are not to count the cost for Christ did not count the cost. We are called to serve, and not always as we may expect. We are called to suffer, and we should not allow suffering to go wasted. We should give it to God. You may have heard me, or others so offer it up or lift it up - which means, when you're having a bad day you say God, I give it you. We should offer our suffering to God for the good of others, ourselves, and the Church.
My dear brothers and sisters, no matter how little your suffering may seem, if you turn it to God, and make it a prayer it will become fruitful, and easier to handle. Jesus will never give us more than we can handle. We must trust him to guide us, as we begin to serve Him, learn to serve Him, and continue to serve Him all throughout our lives!
If even one soul makes a decision to serve Jesus in a consistent way, the world begins to change. -Blessed Mother
Again you feel the weight of My cross. Unite your sufferings to Me, child, that I may benefit souls. Father is My servant. You may trust his guidance. I will leave nothing to chance and you should stop questioning My plan, method, or goals. All you need do is be at peace and do the work I ask you to do. I will never leave you. And you will never fail Me in this regard, because it is My work. Be an example of peace to your brothers and sisters...
If you are a follower, your holiness will shine from within you and that is what they will identify. Be at peace. Fear is not from Me and does not draw you closer to Me. You must strive for confidence in your God. I will be with you, even until the end of time. Your sufferings will console you greatly later, when you join Me. You will never be sorry you suffered for your Jesus. I am bringing you along and soon you will no longer feel the weight of this cross. -Jesus
Check out www.directionforourtimes.com to learn more about the quotes I posted from Jesus and the Blessed Mother
These words perfectly describe what we are called to do. As Christians, as a apostles, as disciples of Christ we are not to count the cost for Christ did not count the cost. We are called to serve, and not always as we may expect. We are called to suffer, and we should not allow suffering to go wasted. We should give it to God. You may have heard me, or others so offer it up or lift it up - which means, when you're having a bad day you say God, I give it you. We should offer our suffering to God for the good of others, ourselves, and the Church.
My dear brothers and sisters, no matter how little your suffering may seem, if you turn it to God, and make it a prayer it will become fruitful, and easier to handle. Jesus will never give us more than we can handle. We must trust him to guide us, as we begin to serve Him, learn to serve Him, and continue to serve Him all throughout our lives!
If even one soul makes a decision to serve Jesus in a consistent way, the world begins to change. -Blessed Mother
Again you feel the weight of My cross. Unite your sufferings to Me, child, that I may benefit souls. Father is My servant. You may trust his guidance. I will leave nothing to chance and you should stop questioning My plan, method, or goals. All you need do is be at peace and do the work I ask you to do. I will never leave you. And you will never fail Me in this regard, because it is My work. Be an example of peace to your brothers and sisters...
If you are a follower, your holiness will shine from within you and that is what they will identify. Be at peace. Fear is not from Me and does not draw you closer to Me. You must strive for confidence in your God. I will be with you, even until the end of time. Your sufferings will console you greatly later, when you join Me. You will never be sorry you suffered for your Jesus. I am bringing you along and soon you will no longer feel the weight of this cross. -Jesus
Check out www.directionforourtimes.com to learn more about the quotes I posted from Jesus and the Blessed Mother
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Our Lady of Consolation, Pray for us!
Monday and Tuesday of this week I had the pleasure of going to Cedar Point and to a shrine honoring Mary, Our Lady of Consolation. It was such a beautiful trip because on Monday we were crazy and had fun riding roller coasters and hanging out, but there was just constant noise between the number of people, music, and of course ROLLER COASTERS!!!! And then Tuesday was quiet. We celebrated the mass, had lunch, had an hour of quiet reflection to just wander about the shrine & it's accompanying park, and closed with an hour of Eucharistic adoration. Such a beautiful day. For our Holy hour, our youth minister, Dan DeMatte, gave a brief reflection on our Lady. He talked about how we tend to seek comfort and consolation in this world. A few examples in my life -
When I'm feeling down in the dumps I will eat chocolate, potato chips, candy, ice cream, etc. - thinking it will comfort me.
When I'm feeling exhausted I will sit in front of the television and watch a pointless, meaningless movie - think it will console me
When my body is really sore from 3 hours of sand volleyball, after being at camp for a week and going to Cedar Point - I just want to lounge and do nothing productive what so ever - which falls into aimlessly staring at the television or sleeping for a ridiculous amount of time.
I'm positive there are many other examples in every person's life, these are just a few to help get my point across.
Something Dan told us to do was rather than seeking our comfort and consolation in food or television or the internet/computer we should seek consolation and comfort from Mary.
Mary is our mother. She loves us as her own children. She desires for us to be peaceful, calm, and rested; capable to serve the Kingdom. If we seek her out when we're feeling neglected in our group of friends instead of stewing in our anger, we will be 1. more pleasing to God 2. feel 1000x better than if we stewed in our anger or sought consolation in food/television/computer.
Therefore, I encourage you to seek out our Lady. Mary desires to pour out graces on our souls. She desires to love us as the children we are. Next time you are in need of comfort and consolation turn Mary, our queen and our Mother. You can say a Hail Mary, or simply say Our Lady of Consolation, pray for us. Call on Mary, and you will receive grace!
Mary, Our Lady of Consolation, Pray for us!
When I'm feeling down in the dumps I will eat chocolate, potato chips, candy, ice cream, etc. - thinking it will comfort me.
When I'm feeling exhausted I will sit in front of the television and watch a pointless, meaningless movie - think it will console me
When my body is really sore from 3 hours of sand volleyball, after being at camp for a week and going to Cedar Point - I just want to lounge and do nothing productive what so ever - which falls into aimlessly staring at the television or sleeping for a ridiculous amount of time.
I'm positive there are many other examples in every person's life, these are just a few to help get my point across.
Something Dan told us to do was rather than seeking our comfort and consolation in food or television or the internet/computer we should seek consolation and comfort from Mary.
Mary is our mother. She loves us as her own children. She desires for us to be peaceful, calm, and rested; capable to serve the Kingdom. If we seek her out when we're feeling neglected in our group of friends instead of stewing in our anger, we will be 1. more pleasing to God 2. feel 1000x better than if we stewed in our anger or sought consolation in food/television/computer.
Therefore, I encourage you to seek out our Lady. Mary desires to pour out graces on our souls. She desires to love us as the children we are. Next time you are in need of comfort and consolation turn Mary, our queen and our Mother. You can say a Hail Mary, or simply say Our Lady of Consolation, pray for us. Call on Mary, and you will receive grace!
Mary, Our Lady of Consolation, Pray for us!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Pray for Priests
The past week I was at Catholic Youth Summer Camp (cysc.com), and it was a beautiful experience. I was small group leader/counselor to 8 girls. They were all so beautiful, and the Holy Spirit truly worked this week, shining through them.
Anywho, something really struck me this week - the importance to pray for priests. One night, a speaker talked about how important it is to pray for priests and this struck me. I mean, I'd been told before that it's important to pray for them, but she talked about why it's necessary - and that is because the devil attacks them most especially since they are Christ to this world. They administer the sacraments, and live for God - so why wouldn't the devil attack them? Also, one of the cars had a bumper sticker that said pray for priests and it was a constant reminder to me, and every time I walked by the car I thought about it. Then, we have various priests come to camp to celebrate daily mass for us. One of them, who was with us for 3 days, was ordained about 6 weeks ago. Which means he has been a priest for 6 weeks. I spoke with him for quite a while and we talked about praying for priests. When he said to me, and the people I was with, please pray for priests, his sincerity and genuineness when asking for our prayers made my heart just reach out to him. Fr. Ty Tomson was such a blessing to all the youth this week.
Therefore, I encourage you all to pray for priests. Simply say a Hail Mary for them. You can do more of course, but start there. Then, as your prayer life grows you can pray for priests more by offering rosaries for them, and your mass.
God Bless!
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us!
Anywho, something really struck me this week - the importance to pray for priests. One night, a speaker talked about how important it is to pray for priests and this struck me. I mean, I'd been told before that it's important to pray for them, but she talked about why it's necessary - and that is because the devil attacks them most especially since they are Christ to this world. They administer the sacraments, and live for God - so why wouldn't the devil attack them? Also, one of the cars had a bumper sticker that said pray for priests and it was a constant reminder to me, and every time I walked by the car I thought about it. Then, we have various priests come to camp to celebrate daily mass for us. One of them, who was with us for 3 days, was ordained about 6 weeks ago. Which means he has been a priest for 6 weeks. I spoke with him for quite a while and we talked about praying for priests. When he said to me, and the people I was with, please pray for priests, his sincerity and genuineness when asking for our prayers made my heart just reach out to him. Fr. Ty Tomson was such a blessing to all the youth this week.
Therefore, I encourage you all to pray for priests. Simply say a Hail Mary for them. You can do more of course, but start there. Then, as your prayer life grows you can pray for priests more by offering rosaries for them, and your mass.
God Bless!
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Calming the Sea
When I looked up today's Gospel, I was so excited, and over joyed to see that it was the story where Jesus calms the storm in the sea. It seem that there is a large storm hitting my life, and those around - my mom had surgery, my younger brother got in a car accident, my friend was hit by a car while on a bike, and my friend's dad was diagnosed with lung cancer after having a stroke, plus various other things as well! But it struck me in this Gospel that Jesus calms the storm, simple as that.
Jesus asks the disciples with him, "Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?" This really struck me. How often do we go through hard times fearful, worrisome, terrified, or anxious? How often do we forget Jesus will calm the storm. He allowed the storm in the first place, thus we must trust He will calm the storm. Not only must we trust He will calm the storm, but also that He will give the strength to endure. We must surrender our fears, and allow Jesus to take control. We must constantly be praying, and seeking our Lord.
We must allow Jesus to help us. We must let Him help us. We cannot carry our crosses alone. And our storms will not be calmed, until we surrender them to Jesus. Once we give our lives and our heart and our minds to Jesus, we are better able to serve Him. We can be peaceful people, even in the midst of tragedy, if we allow Jesus to be our rock.
May the Lord grant us the grace to trust Him more, the strength to endure our struggles, and peace.
God bless!
Jesus asks the disciples with him, "Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?" This really struck me. How often do we go through hard times fearful, worrisome, terrified, or anxious? How often do we forget Jesus will calm the storm. He allowed the storm in the first place, thus we must trust He will calm the storm. Not only must we trust He will calm the storm, but also that He will give the strength to endure. We must surrender our fears, and allow Jesus to take control. We must constantly be praying, and seeking our Lord.
We must allow Jesus to help us. We must let Him help us. We cannot carry our crosses alone. And our storms will not be calmed, until we surrender them to Jesus. Once we give our lives and our heart and our minds to Jesus, we are better able to serve Him. We can be peaceful people, even in the midst of tragedy, if we allow Jesus to be our rock.
May the Lord grant us the grace to trust Him more, the strength to endure our struggles, and peace.
God bless!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I Need a Vacation...
The past 3 weeks of my life have been absolutely nuts! My house was under construction. I had a grad party. I went on a training retreat to be a counselor for camp. My mom had surgery. And, my younger brother got in a car accident. Plus some of a social life on top of that, and trying to get everything completed that I need to be truly set to go to Capital in August. Therefore, I need a vacation.
I was visiting with a dear friend the other night. We talked about my life and it's craziness, especially with my brother's accident and mom's surgery all happening in the same day. Which both occurred about 48 hours after my graduation party. She gave me these wonderful words of wisdom, and I think it's easy to forget this in the business of summer. I was told to relax and take some time to myself, be sure I keep praying and refuel. She told me I'm stretched as thin as I can go, if I stretch anymore, I'll bust. Which is unbelievably true.
My reason for posting today and my advice for you today is - during the hustle and bustle of summer, remember to take some you time.
Read a good book. Take a hot bubble bath. Take a long run. Do your nails, or better yet go get them done. Get a massage. Lay out in the sun, at a beach for a while. Whatever helps you relax! Be sure you get to mass, at least on Sunday, if not more. And most importantly, don't place God on the back burner. Remember to pray. Remember, Christ is truly where your energy comes from - so be sure to spend time with Him, so you can have the energy and motivation to continue in the hustle and bustle of summer, and not break!. Be sure to take that personal vacation every once in a while!
I was visiting with a dear friend the other night. We talked about my life and it's craziness, especially with my brother's accident and mom's surgery all happening in the same day. Which both occurred about 48 hours after my graduation party. She gave me these wonderful words of wisdom, and I think it's easy to forget this in the business of summer. I was told to relax and take some time to myself, be sure I keep praying and refuel. She told me I'm stretched as thin as I can go, if I stretch anymore, I'll bust. Which is unbelievably true.
My reason for posting today and my advice for you today is - during the hustle and bustle of summer, remember to take some you time.
Read a good book. Take a hot bubble bath. Take a long run. Do your nails, or better yet go get them done. Get a massage. Lay out in the sun, at a beach for a while. Whatever helps you relax! Be sure you get to mass, at least on Sunday, if not more. And most importantly, don't place God on the back burner. Remember to pray. Remember, Christ is truly where your energy comes from - so be sure to spend time with Him, so you can have the energy and motivation to continue in the hustle and bustle of summer, and not break!. Be sure to take that personal vacation every once in a while!
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