Tuesday, September 27, 2011


‎"If a soul is not rooted in the divine will the soul is subject to being blown around and away from the mountain of holiness. When this occurs, many others are affected because each life involves other souls intended to benefit from that life. This situation is what Jesus is attempting to remedy through the renewalWe all have a role to play in this renewal and that role is clearly marked out in our vocation." -Climbing the Mountain

For months now, I have heard friends talk about being rooted in Christ. I came across this tonight, after living in college dorms a little over a month, and having a few emotional things on my heart, this really struck home tonight. We must be rooted in Christ because we have a purpose to help forward the kingdom of God. We must seek to be fed, so that we can be light to those who don't know Christ. We must, as student, as mother, as friend, as educator, as daughter, as sister seek to live in and with and for Christ so that we can help bring others to Christ and further the kingdom of heaven! Praise be to the God who saves. May we serve him, amidst all trials. 

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