Monday, August 15, 2011

...But Offer This Heart, O God

Life is a roller coaster. There are good days there are bad days. Today, was an okay day. Being a woman, my emotions can be crazy sometimes. Today was one of those days. But when I was feeling rather upset, and somewhat overwhelmed, and kind of frustrated a profound phrase came to mind.

So what can I say?
What can I do?
But offer this heart, 
O God,
Completely to you!

Whether it's your first day back to school, you're starting a new job, moving out for the first time, experiencing car trouble, feeling confused about what's going on in a relationship, helping a friend with a struggle, celebrating new life, experiencing change, anxiety, matter what is going on in our life, we must remember our Jesus. We must spend time where it is just you and Jesus. We must allow him to bring peace. Regardless of the situation we are in, there is always room for Jesus; there is always time for Jesus; it is up to us to make the decision . 

I''ll stand with arms high and heart abandoned 
in awe of the one who gave it all
 I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered 
All I am is yours

May we remember these words always. May we live abandoned to the Lord, in awe of his glory. May we surrender ourselves to his love, and pray his will always be done. May we pray to forever be guided by his light. Amen. 

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