Wednesday, January 9, 2013

If the Whole World was Blind

Today I was scrolling through pinterest, since classes just started and there's not a boat load of homework just yet, and I found this quote and it stopped me. If the whole world was blind how many people would you impress? And it made me think - how often do we get distraught because our appearance isn't what we want it to be? Or I know I've avoided being with people because I don't want them to see me struggle, to see the hurt in my eyes, the tears in my eyes, the pain I may be feeling.

I've had a few of my friends, there are two specific people who come to my mind, who have told me that they admire the way I love each person individually. When I read this quote, that's what I thought of - how each person is different, and needs to be loved in their own way, special to their needs.

For example, when I have a bad day 90% of the time I just want someone to sit with me and hold me while I cry, if I need to cry, or to just sit with me and hold - and if I need to talk listen to me, but be okay with simply holding me close to them, so I can hear their heart beat.
But I know other people who when they have a bad day they want to be left alone. Don't touch them, don't ask them how they're doing, just leave them be, they want to be alone. And for my friends who are like that, I often write them a note or a little gift of some form. And normally that's just what they need.

I live with 6 other women, and have plenty of friends, and something I've learned in my short 20 years of life is that each person we encounter will need you to love them in a special way, and that's what makes the difference in this life.

We'll forever remember the people who held our hand when we needed it, who offered their presence when you didn't want to be alone, who held you close to let you know you were wanted, who left you a note that you are loved, wanted, appreciated.
May we slow down, and take the time to get to know the people we call dear to us, to love them. We won't be remembered by many once we leave this world, but we will be remembered by those who we loved.

If the whole world was blind how many people would you impress?
                        Do the people in your life know you care? Do the people in your life know your love for them?

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