Monday, April 9, 2012

So Much Noise

Driving back to school after a break filled with lots of food and sleep, I had the windows rolled down and the radio blasting, naturally. There was a lot of noise. Noise from the semi's. Noise from the wind. Noise from the radio being turned up super loud. 'By Your Side' by Tenth Avenue North was playing, one of my favorite songs, and in the song when it goes: .
Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go

As the words "I love you" are practically being shouted out over all the noise (like I said my radio was turned up), I realized how often God, our Father in heaven, who loves us so much is constantly trying to shout over all the noise in our lives I love you

The past couple weeks, I've been in a dry spell in my prayer. Whenever this happens, it causes me to question my faith, and makes living my life so much more challenging. I often feel as if the Lord is saying to me: "I love you, is that not enough?"

We allow noise to distract. Everything in life is a choice and sometimes we make poor choices, for example: instead of praying, I'm going to go watch this movie, that will influence me to sin because it's filled with sex, alcohol, and partying. I'm not saying all movies are bad. I'm not saying watching movies is a bad activity. There are very good movies out there. What I'm getting at is the when there are times when we know we need to pray, but that takes effort because prayer hasn't been fruitful, and living a Christian life hasn't been easy - and then, in the struggle we choose the easier option, to lay and watch a movie until we fall asleep, ignoring our struggle & our pain, when maybe we should be talking to God and trying to sort out the problem.

So what am I even getting at here? Well, I suppose it's that we need less noise. We are so busy, and there is much noise. I look at my life and every night of the week I typically have something, of some form going whether it's a meeting, work, homework or dinner with a friend - my life is in a constant 'go' state. There is a lot of noise - especially when I need times of silence, I typically fill it with noise. Like my 20 minute drive to work - this could easily be time used for praying a rosary, but I typically fill the silence with music blasting away trying to forget my stresses of school.

Therefore, I encourage you, my dear friends to embrace silence, to take advantage of opportunities to be silent. I desire for all of us to be living for the Kingdom of God, loving each person exactly where they are at for who they are (that will be continued in another post). I want all of us to know the love of God, and to be able to live in peace & love.

"Pray, hope, and don't worry" -Padre Pio

God bless!

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