Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Have the Right to Complain?

"You have no right to complain because I..."

I'm a selfish person. I always used to think I was rather selfless, but as I have come to know God more, and come to know more about myself through God, I've realized how selfish of a person I am. I tend to whine and complain a lot. For example, this morning when I woke up there was no coffee that I liked in our house, only really black coffee, which I don't like. Because there was no coffee, and no normal coffee makers, only a keurig, I grew flustered because I just wanted my morning cup o' joe. Instead of being content and thankful with what I had, I was angry. It's easy for us to think of ourselves.

What struck this thought this night - Wednesday night I was woke by my friend, long story short we ended up calling 911 and going to the ER around 2 am,  I had to work at 9 am. I didn't think about it at the time. However, at work Thursday morning, someone complained they were tired and I thought to myself  'ughh they have no right to complain, they got a sufficient amount of sleep, uninterrupted by a trip to the hospital'. Now don't get me wrong, I was very thankful to have been able to be present for my friend and be with her and be there for her when she needed me; however, the next morning I was feeling the effects a little differently. The person who had complained she was tired at work had work about 15 days straight - and some of them really awful shifts. She basically had every right to complain, but all I could think of in that moment was myself.

Sometimes, it is easy to think of others. Most of the time, it is easier to think of ourselves. It is easy to be consumed by our own wants, desires, feelings, etc. In reality, I don't have the 'right' to complain, and neither do you. Our lives on earth are not meant to be lives of ease. There will be great suffering in the time we will spend on earth, in order to prepare our hearts for heaven. We are imperfect beings, though we may be striving for holiness (the perfection of charity), we will always fall short of the glory of God and loving perfectly until we enter our home in heaven.

However, there is hope! There is hope in Christ. This night Christ has risen from the tomb. Our God is alive, He reigns.

There is hope in the Lord for us to overcome our selfishness. Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of sacrifice. Mary is the other perfect example for us to follow. Jesus - the perfect example of love, in laying down his life, that we may be able to enter the eternal Kingdom. He died, and rose to fill the void between God and man. Mary - who proclaimed "be it done unto me according to Thy word" She gave her yes to the Father, knowing she was saying yes to living a life of sacrifice, of selflessness. She is one whom we can turn to, and seek her intercession that we may grow out of selfishness, and draw closer into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Brothers and sisters, hope in the resurrection. In this Easter season may we rejoice in the gift of salvation; may we find hope in Christ.

Alleluia, the King has risen.
Happy Easter!
God bless.

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