Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dare to Be...Radical Christians

Yesterday I posted something from Natalie Grant, an artist whom I love. Her music is beautiful, and you should definitely listen to her! But she's doing something for women, daring them to reach their highest goals. Encouraging women to strive for success. Well, I really like this idea. It's a fantastic idea. However, I want to take the idea and apply it to being a radical christian. Each day(I'm going to shoot for each day, but I'm a nursing student with a job and friends...)....Each day I'm going to post Dare to Be...Courageous or Love or Joyful or Patient...and use virtues that make us radical Christians. Because I want us to be radical. I want us to be different. I want us to be set apart from this world. I want to spread the love of Christ wherever I go, whatever I do, and I want to bring others with me. So I encourage you to join me in this journey and post what you dare to be too and join me in this journey!

Today I dare to be Joyful. Fr. Barron says the most effective way of evangelization is joy( It is joy that is contagious. Those who don't know Christ, those who are still searching, see the joy a person filled with the Holy Spirit and desire to experience this joy. So today, I dare to be joyful, no matter what may seem to go wrong.

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