Friday, March 9, 2012


This past week I've lost count of how many people have said this has been the week from hell for them. Whether it's failing an exam, having more exams than you know how to study for, having a car getting broken into, a sprained ankle, headaches, sickness, etc. it has been a rough week. And really, in Ohio it seems have been a rough couple weeks between tornadoes and high school shootings, and I'm probably forgetting a few things - life has not been easy.

But, is this really new? Does it not often seem like times are hard?

This week was rough for me because it was busy. I had extra 'stuff' going on in my week that I don't normally have. I have a sprained ankle, am training for a half marathon, and can't run (running is just one of my stress relievers). I have an exam next Friday in O-chem that I basically have to get an 80, which is stressful, I've never had to think about what I get on an exam.. I did not understand my O-chem homework last night, I was to the point of tears I was so frustrated with it. Then I went to One Gospel, an event in Columbus where college students gather together, hear a talk, and praise God. It forced me to stop in the busyness of my week and focus on God. I had been so busy my prayer life got put on the side burner. Normally, I take about 30 minutes and spend time in prayer, but I didn't take that time. There were times when I could have, but chose not to, especially since my normal time was disrupted by various activities or distractions.

Today was a good day. I was still filled with joy from last night, where my brothers and sisters placed so much laughter and joy in my life, they lifted me up in a way they probably didn't realize. However, when I had to sit down and finish my o-chem homework I was like man, I'm not going to get the percentage I need on this to get all 10 points, and every point counts in this class, and I don't know why I'm even bothering because I'm just going to get stuck. Well, I started in, and the first problem stumped me. I was like okay - I need to get out of this attitude because doing it will help me because it is practice and will help me for the exam, even if I don't do well now, it will help me in the long run. So I continued on. The last two problems actually went well. I got both of them right on the first time, and ended up getting me to the points I needed to get full credit for the assignment. Sweet.

So I'm sitting here thinking to myself, wow that was sweet. If we just stop for a second, take a breath and trust that Jesus will take care of it, things will come together.

This week may have been 'the week from hell' but if we remember to take a deep breath and renew our trust in the Lord, all things will come together and his will shall be done. 

I can also apply this to my running adventure on Sunday when my ankle became inflamed, I was given a chance to contemplate the grace of God, specifically with the metaphor of a river, and last night we sang a song called The River Flows. The lyrics are below. It explains it all : )

Basically, if you feel like your in a week or even a day or maybe a month 'from hell' stop, turn yourself towards God and trust in His love and mercy!
God bless!

From the throne of God and from the Lamb the river flows.
Life redeeming, ever healing, age to age it goes.
No more sun, the Holy One – our light that ever shines.
Crystal clear, the river here, will swell our hearts to join the cry!
Awake, O sleeper, rise to life, and Christ will give you light!
Lift your head – behold the river.
He mounts his throne to shouts of praise; be opened heaven's gates.
Enter in, O King of Glory!
"Come!" the Spirit calls, and with the bride the Spirit cries:
"Souls that thirst can drink their fill of water without price.
Blest are those who wash their robes to gain the tree of life.
Face to face with endless grace, lift up your hearts to hear the cry!"
Awake, O sleeper, rise to life, and Christ will give you light!
Lift your head – behold the river.
He mounts his throne to shouts of praise; be opened heaven's gates.
Enter in, O King of Glory!
O King of Glory!

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