Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Word

The Lord is so good. He has abundantly blessed each of us. Today, I realized how abundantly He has blessed and am so thankful. You see, I am the only practicing Catholic & strong Christian in my family. Often times this is quite challenging, but I realized something today. Because I don't have my parents to aspire to, I learned to lean more on the Lord. I learned to look to God as my Father, and Mary as my mother, that they may guide me. I know I can turn to them in all things. Therefore, one could say I have been blessed with a child-like faith. Ironically enough, St. Therese happened to have chosen me around the time of my baptism. St. Therese is known for her child-like faith and her "little way". May we model St. Therese's child-like faith & little way, seeking the Lord as our leader all the days of our lives!

And now a little encouragement for the fight of faith this week:

Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. Romans 12:11-12

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