Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Lord Satisfies

Today's Gospel (Mark 8:1-10) reminds us how the Lord satisfies our needs. He was speaking to these people, saw their hunger, pitied them, and provided them with food. "they ate & were satisfied"

This struck me today, as a reminder that Christ satisfies our every need, our every desire. He fulfills our dreams beyond what we could even imagine, and even more so when our hearts desires are in accordance with His will do we see this fruit.

You see, last night I was really struggling with feeling lonely. It is easy to despair when one feels lonesome. However, I chose to call on the name of the Lord. In my pain, in my suffering, I cried out to the Lord and he brought me peace. This morning I was quite flustered and began to feel anxious, again I called on the name of the Lord, and he brought me peace and joy. I experience more peace & joy this day than I could have ever possibly dreamed of, simply by seeking the Lord.

Brothers & sisters,

I encourage you to call on the name of the Lord, no matter what your need may be. The Lord will abundantly bless you. He will satisfy your hearts every desire. He will be your strength. Simply praise him through each storm and call on his great name!

God bless!

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