Monday, February 27, 2012

Follow Me

In yesterday's homily the priest said "The greatest invitation ever given was when Christ reached out his hand and said follow me"

This struck me in a profound way. 
We always get excited when we're invited to go to a dinner, see a movie with a friend, go to a fancy event, BUT the invitation Jesus gives us is far greater than any invitation for something in this world. Each day the Lord reaches his hand out to us and invites us to follow him that day. Today, when I woke up the Lord reached out His hand to me and said: "follow me". I didn't hear Him say this directly, he didn't come down on a cloud - but in his quiet way he invited me to follow him this day, to seek his will this day. 

Brothers and sisters, the Lord invites each of us, each day to follow him, to seek his will. He desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. He is our Lord and He loves us, he desires us to be close to Him and constantly draws us closer to himself. May we always seek to follow the Lord and accept his invitation each day - follow me. 

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