Friday, September 30, 2011

Jesus Wants All of Us

Tonight I was partaking in an event called One Gospel. It's put on by Saint Paul's Outreach on OSU's campus. We hear a young adult give a talk - tonight we talked about how Jesus calls us each by name, with all faults and flaws, He wants us just as we are. After the talk we respond in prayer. Tonight's talk concluded with a call to be jerked out of our complacency, and out of our daily routines and schedules, and to seek Jesus. We respond by singing praise and worship - to glorify our great God.

It struck me, while we were singing Our God by Chris Tomlin , that God shines his light in all parts of our hearts.
Lets be real, and stop pretending everything is perfect: we all have our brokenness. We have all messed up. We all have the 'junk' drawer, or skeletons in the closet. We have dark spots on our hearts. However, Jesus shines his light there - in our junk draw, in our closet, on our dark spots, our imperfections. He made us perfect. He loves us. He wants all of us.

Jesus doesn't just want the pieces we think are good enough to give him. He wants all of us. Jesus wants the brokenness. He wants the hurts we've felt when our parents fight. He wants the hurts we experience when we feel judged. He wants the pain we feel when we are humiliated in class and among friends. He wants the part of us marked with sin - whatever sin that is - whether it's the Lord's name in vain, premarital sex, gossip, sloth, drunkenness, or not loving someone as much as we should. He wants to heal us.

Jesus desires to chisel away the scarred, broken, imperfect areas of our lives and make them new. May we have the humility to recognize our faults and give them to Jesus. May we let Jesus care for all of us.

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