Thursday, January 30, 2014


I recently went to confession and the priest said to pray to grow in the virtue of charity. I had listed all my sins, and they are closely related. Father said that the virtues work as a whole organism, and said something along the lines of charity being the ultimate virtue - with it comes all the other virtues, so we have to allow ourselves to grow in charity. I've been praying for this a lot, and trying to grow here too, looking for opportunities. I had one the other day, and opted out because "I didn't feel like it" but the next moment I had I acted on it, and chose to put away the dishes and clean up the kitchen even though I didn't feel like it, but I knew it was something that my roommates would appreciate, so I did it out of love for them. Now, I don't say this for bragging rights by any means, but I shared it as an example.

The past two days I've had a lot of anxiety. There have just been some tough things lately, kind of the "when it rains it pours" occurrence. So I called up one of my friends today to see if I could come over because I didn't want to be alone. First, I had to admit to myself that I did not want to be alone, that was a toughie - admitting to myself my struggle in the moment. Second, I had to ask.. yikes. But it was great.. as I was driving home after I realized that in asking to grow in charity it goes both ways. There are going to be opportunities where I need to choose to be charitable to others, but there are also going to be opportunities where I am going to have to allow others to be charitable towards me.

You see, a lot of times I try to be super woman (that's punny because my last name is super). I try to do it all on my own. I might attempt relying on Jesus (maybe, if it's a good day). But more often than not I am super woman, do it all, get it all right the first time, etc. So today, today was humbling. I had to allow someone to be charitable towards me, to allow them to love me, and to not try and walk the walk of faith on my own, as much as I might try to, it's not possible.

So I ask you - are you trying to be super woman/man or are you allowing others to be charitable towards you, as you are charitable towards others?

God bless!
Pax in Christi

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