Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Just Want...

I just want peace
I just want joy
I just want love
I just want to know
I just want things to be easy
I just want the pain to I away
I just want comforted
I just want to be loved
I just want to be cared for
I just want it to be easy to smile again
I just want justice
I just want strength
I just want...
I just want...
I just want...

Lately, in prayer I find myself saying things like what I wrote above. Asking for all these things, and as I was sitting in adoration the other I realized something - I don't want all these...I just want Jesus. Shouldn't that be our prayer? With each suffering, with each trial, with each moment of distress, in each moment of hurt, each time we feel rejected and just want to know we're loved shouldn't we call on the name of our savior? Jesus.

One of the most powerful prayers is simply calling on the name Jesus. Jesus I need you. Jesus I want you. All those things I listed above our fruits of just knowing Jesus and calling on him when in need.

I just want Jesus. He's the satisfaction of my heart, my soul. He is my everything. Amen? Amen!

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