Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fall Semester 2012: Life as a Student Missionary

I am now about one week into winter break, praise Jesus! That felt like the longest semester ever, and I'm sure as graduation grows closer (don't worry I still have 6 more semesters) it will feel the same way each semester (that it'll never end, of course).  But today I want to tell you a little about what I did, and a little about what I learned, through out the semester.

What I did:

1. Quit panera - it was actually really hard to quit a job, and a part of me felt a little bad, since I was a closing manager, but it was unnecessary stress, that wouldn't help me as a nurse, and impaired my education some.

2. Started a bible study at Capital

3. Learned about the human body - and how cool it is.

4. Attended various meetings

5. Hung out with Jesus in mass and adoration just about every week (at least for the first half)

6. Experienced severe migraines, and chronic headaches.

7. Stayed up way too late eating chocolate with a sister (probably more than once)

8. Hugged people - a lot.

9. Made new friends

10. Lived off of coffee.

What I Learned:

1. Jesus is my source of contentment, of joy, of peace, of strength (I'm still learning this, but learned more than I knew before!)

2. I like giving gifts, and writing letters - a lot.

3. How to say no (this one's still a work in progress, baby steps..)

4. the reality of nursing school, and it's difficulty.

5. Getting up really early in the morning when you haven't done so since you were 16 is really hard.

6. How to love and live with 6 different women (work in progress!)

7. How to function with a headache (this one isn't easy, and made for a grumpy Amber)

8. To find joy amidst suffering, and in offering suffering to Christ.

9. I can eat a single frozen pizza in one sitting, by myself

10. I actually enjoy wearing dresses!

So Fall Semester 2012 - it was a little crazy. I did a lot. I learned a lot, and a lot that I learned cannot be turned into words. I was blessed to be able to start a bible study. I was blessed to build relationships with women in major, and in my community. I was blessed to be able to go to mass, and adoration, to have fruitful prayer. I was blessed to know the depth of my mother's love. The past semester was a challenge, but if there's one thing God has been teaching me in the week I've had of break so far, it's that His grace is enough. Amen? Amen!

God bless!

Happy Advent!

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