Thursday, September 20, 2012

See the Positive

This week had the potential to be "the worst week of my life". I had a lot of school work, I wasn't sleeping well, I was quitting my job...all these things and on top of it all I'm getting sick. AKA worst week ever....but not really.

Yesterday, as I started off my morning had the potential to be really bad. I had an anatomy exam and I didn't feel like I had properly prepared for it. I had a little bit of a headache. I had gotten less than five hours of sleep. I was turning in my notice for quitting my job. Definitely anticipated it being a horrid day. But it was not because one - our God is an awesome God, and all things go well when we entrust them to the man upstairs.

So I met with friends at Starbucks at 8 am. When I ordered my coffee I couldn't quite talk straight just yet because I was so tired (those of you who know me know what I'm talking about). And then my friends got there and we started chatting, laughing, studying - the day was already looking up. Then we went and took our exam and it was easier than anticipated and we all walked out feeling pretty decent about our exam. Then we did this meditation in my pilates class that I love, and it helped to relieve all my stress. I found out my microbiology exam got moved from Friday (tomorrow) to next week on Wednesday - which lifted a ton of weight off my shoulders. And lastly I turned in my two weeks notice and everything went smoothly, my boss didn't try to talk me into staying or anything, and it just worked perfectly. So basically God is good.

And if we look for the positive things in our life, then our lives will be that much more enjoyable. So seek to be positive, give thanks for the day God has given us.

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