Thursday, July 5, 2012

He is Jealous for Us

How often do we experience forms of jealousy in our lives? Of course we're not supposed to be jealous of what others have, and should simply be thankful for what we do have; however, by our human imperfections this is sometimes the case. I know I sometimes long for a relationship with a sister, like my two best friends have, especially growing up with all brothers. I'm sometimes jealous of those who were raised Catholic, as I am a convert. At work, 2 of the girls are on vacation, and as each of them left I would tell them that I was jealous because I wanted to go on vacation. In relationships there is sometimes jealousy. For example, when you first start dating someone, and spend a lot of time with that person, then your friends start asking where you are, or what you've been doing because they aren't getting to spend as much time with you because you've been spending some of that time with the other person, whom you are trying to get to know better, and discern if you are called to marriage. And you may even be spending your time very well, but when things change people often feel jealous. Really, it happens to us all. 

So, if we can experience so much jealousy, how much more must our God be jealous for us. Scripture says: 'For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire, a jealous God." Deuteronomy 4:24. 
Our God desires us. He desires for us to be united to Him. If we become distracted by things of this world, he is sure to bring us in, to draw us back to Himself. 

Take a moment and think of a time when you have felt jealous, specifically in a relational sense. That jealousy you felt doesn't even begin to compare to God's jealousy for us, because he loves us so much. He wants us. He wants our hearts. He desires to reign in our lives.

May we respond to the call of our God in courage and confidence of His perfect plan in our lives. may He consume us and be the fire of our spirit. 

1 comment:

  1. I tagged you for an award on my blog:

    God bless you!
