Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting to Know You

So I was tagged in a blog award some time ago, and now you will learn 7 random facts about me. hooray! You should be so excited right now :)
Before we get started here's the jist of this little game: The rules consist of listing 7 random facts about myself and passing the award along to 15 other people. 

1. I converted to Catholicism three years ago. It's a long story you can read about it here. Any who, I love being Catholic and wouldn't have it any other way.

2. I love country music. I know so many people who complain about it, or say they hate it. It's what I listened to as a kid. Plus, if you actually listen to the lyrics - there's a truly beautiful story behind the songs. However, I also have passionate love for Christian music - specifically Matt Maher & Audrey Assad :) They're the best!

3. I'm going to be a student missionary this year, along with living in an women's household affiliated with St. Paul's Outreach, don't know what that is? read more about it  here and here

4. I love dogs and I passionately( that might be a slight exaggeration) dislike/despise cats. Part of my dislike of cats comes from a poor childhood memory, and a bean bag chair getting ruined. 

5. I've always taken pride in knowing myself, knowing who I am, and knowing my limits - the older I get the more I realize how little I know about me. I do know this much though - I can be loud and obnoxious, and quiet and contemplative. I take after my grandmother (dad's mom that is) in my loud speaking. Everyone tends to know when I have something to say, and they normally listen too ;) Everyone knows my laugh as well, it's part of my obnoxiousness. At my brother's wedding my mom knew the bridal party had arrived because she heard my laugh. I also take after my father in spending(rather saving) money. I pride myself on being his little girl, and often wonder what I would do without him. I did however inherit my mother's clumsiness.

Mi familia 

6. I love making rosaries. It's probably my favorite hobby/pass time. 

7. A life goal of mine is to learn guitar. My uncle got me one for graduation. Now I just need to make the time to learn it.  

Here are some other fun photos to share more about me. 
One of my best friends :) 

mi familia catholica

buckeye awakening family 

Mary - I'm going to miss her

my sister. 

3 of my best friends. 

my sister 

my addiction 

my brother <3

Blessed mother = my love 

my brother

my sister

my brother

my daddy & I..told you i was a daddy's girl :) 

my bible & journal aka how I start my day :) 
oh yah know - we just like to get dirty. 

I'm currently too lazy to tag the 15 people or whatever it is - I'll get around to it eventually. Until then you now know some stufffs about me :) 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading more about you, Amber! Country music is definitely at the top of my workout playlist. I hear you about cats... I LOVE kittens, but cats not so much.

    God bless you!
