Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday Memo

So this week has been a little crazy, but awesome. I just got internet in my house today, I'm planning a hog roast, and loving every second of my life - living the dream :) My weekly encouragement is a day late, but here is! Have a blessed week!

“If you follow the will of God, you know that in spite of all the terrible things that happen to you, you will never lose a final refuge. You know that the foundation of the world is love, so that even when no human being can or will help you, you may go on, trusting in the One that loves you.”
-Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Memo

Coming to you from St. Paul, MN today, the quote I share with you this day is one a brother shared earlier and my heart was convicted to share with you all. Posting from my phone, expect me to be back in full blogging swing soon once I return to Ohio and get into the start of our new school year and living in our SPO household.

“Are we not perhaps all afraid in some way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that He might take something away from us? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something significant, something unique, something that makes life so beautiful? Do we not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of our freedom? . . . No! If we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation. And so, today, with great strength and great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life. Amen.” Pope Benedict XVI