Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Memo: Where's Your Treasure?

"For where your heart is there also will your treasure be." Luke12:34

Jesus has been so good to me lately, clearly pursuing my heart and swooning me, sweeping me off my feet and truly showing me how is the one and only who can truly satisfy every desire and longing my heart has for love. 

Today he reminded me of this verse - that where you heart is there also is your treasure. We ought not store up thins on the earth, but spend out lives serving God and loving others so that each person has an opportunity to encounter the love of Christ. And this is how we place our heart, our treasure in the hands of God - by making all we do be for the glory of his name. Pray for each person we encounter, knowing that we crossed their path for a reason. Love each person where they're at - love the sinner, hate the sin. Unite your day and all you do in it to Christ who wants to help you and who is with you. 

Remember, in him is our true home. Jesus, help us find our home in your most sacred heart. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a good verse! God constantly challenges me through it since I tend to unconciously make other things my treasure far too often.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog, Amber! Always lovely to meet another person who believes chocolate is a necessity of life. ;) I appreciate your sweet words so much! God bless!
