Saturday, May 19, 2012

Attitude - It's Everything

Recently I've learned, or rather realized once again, how much our attitude towards life effects us. I used to hate my job, absolutely despise it. I dreaded going to work and was miserable while I was there. This was partially because that's how everyone around me was also feeling. If all of us are miserable, negative nancies, who never see the good things or look for the positive or strive to be joyful - the world would be quite the miserable place.

A new manager came in at work, and she didn't absolutely hate her job. She actually enjoys to some extent. She is positive and cheery at work all the time, even when she may not want to be there. When she came in, there was a change, an attitude change. My coworkers who were miserable beyond words left, at least for the most part, and people came in having a fresh, positive attitude, making it a friendly environment, that was enjoyable to work in. I actually enjoy my job (to some extent). I at least don't dread it, most days, which is a big change, and some days I am content to be going to my job.

Brothers and  sisters, if my attitude towards work made such a difference - how much more do you think our time in prayer, in Church, in serving, in loving depend on our attitude. If we take the "I go to mass because my parents make me" or "I guess I'll pray because I'm supposed to" or "I guess I'll go on this service day" attitudes - the indifferent or complacent type attitude, we won't see the beauty that is Jesus Christ... we won't see the truth that is the Catholic Church... we won't see the LOVE given in serving.

Today, I encourage you to evaluate yourself, your life. Are you dreading your prayer time? Do you dislike going to Church, youth group, or other forms of ministry? What kind of attitude are you taking in these times? Strive to be positive, look for the good things, pray for joy, pray for love.

Our greatest mission is to love one another as Christ loved. My friends, our love, first and foremost, comes from Christ, and is revealed through our joy. We are called to be a joyful people, we are called to be hopeful. May we, as disciples of Christ, carry a spirit of hope and joy within us, that we may share God's love through our joy, and permit our Father to use us as his ransomed, beloved ones.

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