Monday, January 23, 2012

Condescending Christian ???

It seems wherever we go these days Christians are looked down upon.

I was talking with one of my friends the other day and we decided there is a general attitude towards Christians, where they are looked down upon.

Many people are pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-premarital sex, anti-religion - which if that's what you're passionate about - great, but what about Christians? Are we not allowed to voice our opinion? You see people wearing clothes and posting signs/facebook things about what they're for, but Christians are looked down upon, or laughed at for proclaiming that Jesus loves you. Which the simple reality is that Jesus does love you. He loves me, he loves you, he love Joe, Jeff, John, Mary, Anna, etc. He loves each one of his precious creations, that delicately designed. He knows them in and out. He know their passions, their hurts, the deepest desires and longings. Yet - it is unheard of to speak of this love?

When talking with my friend, we also pointed out how many of friends, who are our age (18-19) are caught up in an attitude of forever alone. There's something wrong with this picture - we're young - we are soo young. This age is the perfect time to be single. It is the perfect time to grow on your own, to develop as your own person, to come to know God in a deeper manner.

In this time of my life, I have chosen to not date a year. Instead of trying to find my fulfillment in things of this world (including people/boys), I am seeking our God - to be my fulfillment, my satisfaction - for our God truly is enough. Yet, as I sit with my friends, dwelling on their loneliness I do not have the courage to speak up. 

As Christians - we have a duty to fulfill, a mission, a particular purpose - to introduce others to the love of God, not necessarily by our words, but more so by our actions. By our decision not to seek fulfillment in the opposite sex, by our decision to serve, by our decision to love.

My dear brothers & sisters, 

It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel. St. Francis says "Proclaim the gospel at all time, and when necessary use words" 
May we choose to live our lives radically as Christians. May we receive courage to proclaim our God as King. May we be consecrated, set apart, counter-cultural - by choosing to set aside our fears of being judged. 

I realized what we lack is the courage to stand up for what we believe. People's opinions, view points, etc spread because they have the courage to speak out, to speak up.

May we have the courage to stand up and speak up. May we break the "condescending Christian" attitude and become excited about our faith, our God!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I came across  your blog and I totally agree that it is becoming more and more common that people don't like Christians.   It's sad.

    Here are my blogs, if your interested.  :-)
