Wednesday, December 28, 2011


God comes to us in our messiness.

I recently read something that said our rooms reflect our hearts. It was on the blog of another friend actually, but I thought about this a moment. I looked around my room - and it was a disaster. I had laundry overflowing from my sack, a basket here, boxes there, bags from Christmas shopping for my family, books here, there, and everywhere. All my drawers are unorganized. My clothes are shoved into my dresser. If you know me, you know this is all very unusual. My room is typically very clean. I'm organized. Everything has it's place. As I reflected on my messiness - I realized God was still coming to me. If my room is this messy - then I'm not so sure I want to take a peak at my heart.

Everything is disordered. Everything is chaotic. In my heart there are many questions - What am I doing with my life? Am I doing the right thing? I know I need to remove something, what is it? Am I supposed to stay at Capital next year or transfer to Mt. Carmel? Am I supposed to take a year off and serve with NET ministries? What is my vocation? Am I called to marriage or religious life? How can I better live out my faith next semester? How can I keep good grades? What kept me from God? How do I please my parents and serve God?

Now - that's a lot of questions. That's a pretty messy heart. But it's okay, Jesus is still here.

We're all disastrous. We all have messes. And the good Lord still loves us. God meets us where we are. It is easy to want to run from Him. It is easy to ask the question - how could the God of the universe love someone as broken as me?
The answer is far beyond what my mind can fathom - just trust and know that Jesus loves you. He is with you, even when you reject his love and deny him the love he deserves. He loves you just the same.

Our Lord humbled himself, took on the sinful human nature, and died out love for us, for our salvation. He's not going anywhere?

The question is: Will you run to the Lord in your messiness? Will you allow the Lord to heal you and help mold you to greater holiness?

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