Friday, November 25, 2011

It is Good to Praise the Lord

It is indeed good to praise the Lord. It is indeed good to serve the Lord.

Often times, as humans, and particularly as a woman, it is easy to put "me" aside, and continue living our lives. There's work, school, service, community, etc.

A lesson the Lord has truly been putting on my heart is though it is good to praise Him, it is good to take rest in Him. It is good for Amber to take time for Amber.

Last weekend I went on a woman's retreat. It was a very relaxed retreat with talks focused remotely on being a woman of God. Saturday night we had a chance to just grow in sisterhood, but often times on retreat I need time to process or stop for a few moments, and the opportunity presented itself to me. I love bubble baths. I love relaxing and soaking in a tub filled with hot water and bubbles. It smells good. It feels good. It causes me to relax and gives me an opportunity to block out the world. I went back from the retreat refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed. I knew I needed to keep fighting the good fight, and was encouraged to continue striving for holiness. This week I had an opportunity to go to confession, and only had 2 days of class. It was a very stress-free week. Even work wasn't all that stressful. Then today, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my house and it was the first year we haven't traveled for Thanksgiving, and it was so wonderful. I was able to sleep in, hang out with my dad, eat lots of food, and watch Disney movies to embrace the child in me and just relax. It was so perfect.

As I was lying here watching Cinderella I was thinking about this important reminder God has integrated into my life. I was hitting my breaking point. I was ready to hit a wall, but the good Lord helped me to stop before I was too far gone. He caught me just in time, another reminder in how perfect our God is. He has given me a multitude of opportunities to relax, rest, and care for my body in order to best be able to serve Him.

My dear sisters, and brothers, in Christ, I encourage you to remember to care for yourself amongst serving the Kingdom of God. Remember to serve yourself. It is good to take time for yourself, and even praise the Lord during this time set aside for just you. The weekend of the retreat, I was convicted to sing praises to the Lord while taking my "Amber" time. I encourage you to simply open your heart to the Lord, to His perfect love & mercy, and take that time to care for your body so you may be at your best to fully serve the Lord.

God bless!

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