Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God Knows...

I was talking to a friend tonight and she was telling me how she was currently able to truly trust in the Lord, in this time when she feels blind and unsure of what's going on. And I was talking to her about moving into college and adjusting, yet still finding time for prayer and the like.

My friend told me " I know he's got everything taken care of now.  I have this natural trust to the cross" Which I then told her this was what she needed right now and God knew that this was what she needed. He was providing for her by giving her the graces she needed to trust in his love and mercy.

And I realized how God is working in my life, within my personal relationship with him. Right now, I need to learn to lean more on him. I've always leaned on my friends, and youth group, but I need to learn to rely more on my God for my strength and my support. Obviously, I need my friends because Jesus doesn't ask us to live this life on our own, but to live it with others, all striving to reach holiness together; however, there are times in our lives when we must learn and grow on our own. God has given me a deep desire for prayer, to deepen my relationship with Christ, to love him, and come to know him more fully. Even more so, he has given me time and opportunity to pray and to spend time with him.

Therefore, I want to remind my readers - God knows. He knows what we're going through. He knows what we need. He knows how to provide exactly what we need of him.

May we always trust in the Lord and remember that he knows exactly what we need and how to provide for us.

As we adjust to new school schedules, and falling back into the rhythm of craziness and life - may our lives and hearts be focused on seeking to know the Lord more intimately.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you -- this is definitely something dear to my heart right now, especially with all the craziness, and sometimes only fleeting moments of relaxation.

    I try to just keep Jesus in my heart, even when I'm busy with something else, so I can pray that way. Sometimes, I don't have the time I'd like to just stop and pray, but I'm going to try and make as many of those fleeting moments and minutes of peace into prayer time that I can :)

    --Liz B
