Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Christ Glorified

Our greatest desire should be for Christ to be glorified?...

We all desire things of vanity (things of this world) and search for the praise of others. We wake up and think what should I wear today? What are people going to think of this outfit? Am I going to be complimented by this? I hope I do really well on my test, so my parents are happy…I could go on all day. We’re concerned with what people think of us and we seek their approval in society.
                Christ says otherwise.
“How can you believe, when you accept praise from one another and do not seek the praise that comes from the only God?” John 5:44 

When we are seeking approval of this world, 
Christ is neither noticed nor acknowledged, 
the noise of this world over powers. We don’t hear him. We don’t feel him.
We don’t see him. He is there, by our side, 
but we are blind to him for we are seeking approval not of him, rather seeking the world.

Therefore, I encourage you to fast from things of this world. Fast from seeking the world’s approval and search for the approval of Christ. Instead of thinking, “is this outfit going to get me compliments?” think “is this outfit going to glorify the divine image of Christ within me?” “Is this going to make it easier for me to serve Christ in my day?” Will Jesus approve of this? Does this bring glory to God’s name?
Live for Christ, not for others.

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